Tags: Benedict Cumberbatch latest news

Benedict Cumberbatch Has Low Expectations For James Bond Role

Benedict Cumberbatch thinks that he won't be considered for the role of British spy James Bond.

'Sherlock' Actor Benedict Cumberbatch Responds with Great Humor to Mean Tweets About Him

Benedict Cumberbatch of BBC's "Sherlock" got into the hot seat of a show wherein he reads mean tweets posted about him. But instead of being annoyed or offended, he has responded to them with great humor.

Why Benedict Cumberbatch is considered as one of the most bankable stars now

Benedict Cumberbatch needs not to prove it further why he is one of the most bankable stars of today. His famous Shakespeare creation portrayal - Hamlet - has earned the audience heart; and furthermore, his creative and other talents, among all things, are what makes him in demand right now.

It’s a BOY! Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter shares their newborn baby's name

Benedict Cumberbathc and Sophie Hunter finally revealed their first born's name. Christopher Carlton is what they named their son - sharing some significant meaning behind the grandeur.

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Benedict Cumberbatch, who will star in Marvel's upcoming movie, "Doctor Strange" is rumored to appear in the Marvel and Netflix series, "Iron Fist." The 38-year-old actor has also started working out to transform his physique into that of Dr. Stephen Strange's superhero look.
Benedit Cumberbatch recently wond UK TV's Britain's Dishiest Dramatic Actor award and was awarded with a "delicious" trinute. An 88 pound replica of the actor is being displayed at the Westfiels Stratford City up until Good Friday. On the other hand, no official details on the filming of the Doctor Strange movie has been announced by Marvel.
Getting married on Valentine's Day is what Benedict Cumberbatch had in mind for then fiancee Sophie Hunter. They begin to start preparing for the baby that is about to grace their family this coming spring.
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