Tags: Bobbi Kristina Brown news

Nick Gordon May Face Murder Charges on Bobbi Kristina Brown’s Death

Nick Gordon might be facing murder charges on his former girlfriend Bobbi Kristina Brown's death. The verdict is still in the pipeline and has remained private to the public. Nick Gordon's legal team has argued that allegations being thrown at him lack supporting evidence.

Bobbi Kristina Brown: [+UPDATE] The Houstons and the Browns Continue to Battle for $20 Million Fortune Left by Bobbi Kristina and Whitney Houston

Bobbi Kristina's $20 million inheritance is still being battled to by her closest family. After Bobbi Kristina Brown's death, the next big question is where her $20 million inheritance go? It has been reported that it will definitely go to the Houstons.

Bobbi Kristina Brown Update: Nick Gordon Still Free But Remains Suspect For Bobbi’s Death According to Houstons and Browns

Nick Gordon is still the main suspect for Bobbi Kristina's death according to her family. Reports have it that Nick Gordon is still investigated for the Jan.

Bobbi Kristina Brown Update: Nick Gordon Slams $10M Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Court

Nick Gordon filed a motion to dismiss the wrongful death lawsuit against Bobbi Kristina brown's estate conservator, Belinda Hargrove.

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According to the latest reports, there are no clear details yet on the funeral of Bobbi Kristina Brown. The Browns and the Houstons are apparently not in good terms and are fighting on several matters.
Bobbi Kristina autopsy finds no evidence that she died of injuries or of any medical condition. Bobbi Kristina autopsy has been released stating that there was no foul play on the death of Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston's 22-year-old daughter.
Rumors have been circulating about Bobbi Kristina Brown’s death and/or her current state at a hospice in Georgia where she was turned over June of 2015. Current news have confirmed that the young lady is not facing death yet and still on her way to getting better.
As Bobby Brown welcomes his 6th child, the struggle is still lingers about how long Bobbi Kristina's stay in the hospice will go on.
Various reports shared that Bobbi Kristina Brown will be brought home in order to die peacefully. Her father is against the decision. Meanwhile, her boyfriend is already out from the rehab.
As Bobbi Brown struggles for her life, her family is still battling over who gets the final say in her health care. In the meantime, Nick Gordon is still banned from seeing his girlfriend.
What are the recovery updates about Bobbi Kristina Brown? Is she getting better? What are the latest updates on his father's request for guardianship on her estates?
Bobbi Kristina Brown is awake and no longer in a coma but she remains unresponsive and has irreversible brain damage, her grandmother Cissy Houston said, following Bobby Brown’s controversial comments on Bobbi’s condition this weekend.
Bobby Brown recently announced that Bobbi Kristina Brown is awake. Tina Brown recently confirmed Bobby's statement and said that Bobbi Kristina is off of life support. This news, however, seems to be questioned by a lot of people, with some reports speculating that Bobby and Tina Brown are lying in an attempt to shut off Cissy and Pat Houston from taking Bobbi Kristina's $20 million inheritance.
Bobby Kristina Brown’s family has finally revealed their side of the story on how the young heiress’ life will be from here on out. Bobby Brown leaves his daughter’s fate into the hands of God, and the Houston’s indicate that holding Bobby under life support is not the best option for her.
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