Tags: Dragon age: inquisition update

Dragon Age Inquisition News: Last single player story DLC arrives Sep 8 with hints of Thedas' future; Major free Patch 10 out now

The third and final single player story DLC for Dragon Age Inquisition called 'Trespasser' is officially confirmed to arrive on Xbox One, PS4, and PC Tuesday, September 8, Bioware has announced. Also, a major free update, Patch 10, rolled out to make way for the arrival of the new expansion with tons of bug fixes, a dozen outfits and addition of two Golden Nug statue.

Dragon Age Inquisition 'The Descent' DLC Adds Darkspawn's Dungeon August 11; Bioware Title Now Playable FREE in EA Access Vault

Hardcore fans of the massively popular action RPG, Dragon Age Inquisition, must be hyped as Bioware brings the all-new 'The Descent' DLC, another exciting expansion following the recent release of Spoils of Qunari pack. What's more delightful news is that the game is the latest big addition to EA Access Vault which makes it playable for free to members.

Dragon Age Inquisition News: Bioware surprises fans with 'Spoils of Qunari' Pack; Arishok Armor Set, Mounts, and MORE items added

Bioware has surprised hardcore fans of Dragon Age: Inquisition with the unannounced release of the game's latest DLC called 'Spoils of Qunari' that adds must-have items and new armor sets to help gamers in their quest to save Thedas.

Dragon Age: Inquisition Untold Relics of Thedas Contest Winner update; Free to play trial, bug

Dragon Age: Inquisition wraps up the Untold Relics of Thedas Contest today, where players are given the opportunity to design their own accessory that can be used for the game. Winners will have the chance to get their designs installed in the next patch update of Dragon Age: Inquisition. Deliberation and selection of design are up until July 29. Dragon Age: Inquisition is currently available for PC free trial version with six hours of campaign gameplay and unlimited multiplayer mode.

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Find out what the final story-based downloadable content for Dragon Age: Inquisition will be all about as the mission in Thedas has been accomplished. What will be next for the Inquisition. The rumors about the Bioware title should be taken likely, although the truth that happened with Mass Effect shows credibility.
Find out the features of the new Dragon Age Inquisition DLC, which contains new armor sets, mounts, customizations and more for just $4.99. New DLC on the way as narrated by the Creative Director of Bioware.
BioWare has released two free Dragon Age: Inquisition expansion packs on Tuesday The two free add-ons are Dragonslayer which is new multiplayer scenario and the Black Emporium which is a shopping destination inside the game.The DLC are now available for download at no cost.
Find out how the Dragon Age Inquisition new DLC trailer showcases new zones, new dragon and what reviews are saying about it; and see if Bioware has more surprises in store.
Dragon Age: Inquisition, Mass Effect 4 and Mortal Kombat X top the news this week. Dragon Age: Inquisition is confirmed on a May 2015 release. Mass Effect 4 is teased with a huge development. Mortal Kombat X has sample DLC characters.