Tags: Far Cry Primal

Far Cry Primal Feb. 23 Release Date for PS4, Xbox One Confirmed by Ubisoft, PC Version in March

Ubisoft's Far Cry Primal may be prehistoric, but the features it offers are definitely far from it. The upcoming title offers not just an eat-or-be-eaten vibe, but also a possible alliance with the wildlife that dwelled in the era.

‘Far Cry Primal’ Gameplay Footage to Debut at Game Awards 2015

Ubisoft’s Far Cry Primal shall unveil its very first gameplay footage in the upcoming Game Awards 2015.

Far Cry Primal Compared to ARK Survival Evolved; Release Date Confirmed in March 2016

Ubisoft's Far Cry Primal is the supposed latest installment in the Far Cry series, and with it, gamers cannot deny the continuous urge to try out what the title has to offer. To make matters more intriguing, Far Cry Primal has been placed alongside other games; perhaps to gauge what will make it as good as possible.

Why ‘Far Cry Primal’ is Going to be Awesome

Ubisoft’s Far Cry Primal, the latest of the Far Cry installment, features a unique set up which may probably make a name for Ubisoft’s open world reputation.

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Hunt primitive animals and rival hunters alongside ferocious sabretooth tigers in this new open-world shooter with a single-player focus.
The release date of 'Far Cry Primal' was announced by Ubisoft along with the gameplay to expect in this new game. Players will experience Stone Age.
The slated Ubisoft title Far Cry Primal is all but modern, as the game takes place during the humblest beginnings of man. With it, fans are oriented on what the said game has to offer.
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