Tags: Frozen 2 Latest

Frozen 2 Spoilers, News: Anna and Elsa duet anticipated; Chris Buck talks inclusion of relevant societal issues in plot

A duet between the sisters, and a flashback to their childhood are heavily rumored to be featured in Frozen 2 Meanwhile, Chris Buck hinted that the film will tackle recent issues in society today. Disney has also released a new service that will make the first film available through livestream.

Frozen 2 Spoilers, News: Anna also gifted with powers like Elsa? Eva Bella hints a flashback to Elsa's childhood

Frozen 2 could feature Anna with powers, according to rumors. Aside from that, speculations also suggest that the next film could feature a flashback to Elsa's chidlhood after Eva Bella revealed that she is also back in the sequel. A duet is also expected between Anna and Elsa.

'Frozen 2' Updates: Sequel to turn back time for Elsa? Prince Hans becomes ally as new villain coming

'Frozen 2' is said to feature Elsa as the hero of the story. With more focus on her character, speculations abound regarding the story of her power's origin, a new love interest and a new villain.

'Frozen 2' Movie Rumors: Anna's superpower is Love? Anna, Elsa's family tree speculated

Ever since Walt Disney Studio revealed a sequel for the blockbuster hit animated movie "Frozen", speculations about the next project have been circulating around the internet. In addition, Anna and Elsa's family tree was speculated.

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"Frozen" director Chris Buck revealed that the upcoming sequel will still center on Anna and Elsa but will portray society's present-day struggles. Disney's long-awaited "Frozen 2" will reportedly open in cinemas on November 2018.
Frozen 2 is in the works and co-director Chris Buck revealed how it will explore the other side of Elsa's personality. Rumors mill also suggest that Anna could be presented as the next villain in the upcoming sequel.
Eva Bella, who voiced the 8-year-old Elsa in 2012’s “Frozen” has reportedly signed on to play the same role in the upcoming sequel. “Frozen 2” may focus on Elsa's background story, finally answering questions about her powers. The film opens on November 21, 2018.
Get ready to see more of Elsa, Anna and Olaf because Disney has officially announced that "Frozen 2" will finally happen!