Tags: Legend of zelda news

‘The Legend of Zelda’ Movie in the works: Creator wants Link as 'boyish' woman; Emma Watson, Elizabeth Olsen top fan faves

‘The Legend of Zelda’ is a planned live-action adaptation of Nintendo’s popular video game of the same name. Creator Takashi Tezuka admitted that he would like the main character Link reimagined as a boyish female protagonist. Fan favorites include Emma Watson and Elizabeth Olsen.

'Legend of Zelda' movie possible in the future? Game creator and designer casts their ideal Link

The 'Legend of Zelda' movie may be more possible than originally thought. The game creator Shigeru Miyamoto and the game designer-director Takashi tezuka discussed their ideas for the possible movie.

The Legend of Zelda Tri Force Heroes Release Date Confirmed; The Legend of Zelda Wii U Still Unknown; Gag Comic Now Online

While the release date for The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes is already set; The Legend of Zelda Wii U's launch remains uncertain. A treat for The Legend of Zelda fans was recently uploaded by Nintendo in their Play Nintendo page.

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time N64 Classic Comes to Wii U for $9.99; Nintendo Franchise Gets New Manga Series

Get hold of the latest scoop on Legend of Zelda as the franchise starts to see a new manga series by Akira Himekawa while Ocarina of Time becomes available for the Wii U - some things to be busy about while waiting for the next installment.

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Find out how Legend of Zelda playable at Nintendo World Champ would pan out in terms of the challenges among players; event will also feature Saved by the Bell. Week of E3 will also include Nintendo's Annual Digital Event.
The release date for Legend of Zelda has been pushed far back to 2017 as Nintendo takes their time to bring the game to perfection, E3 announcements for the title are unlikely; on the other hand, other projects for the company are in progress.
Legend of Zelda Wii U carries the unfortunate news of being delayed for at least a year as Nintendo puts other things in top priority, causing fans to be displeased.