Tags: Mad Max: Fury Road

'Mad Max' Game: Story Details Revealed in New Trailer; Does the PS4 Game Intersect With 'Fury Road?'

The newest trailer for the 'Mad Max' game explains the PS4 game's story. But will this road cross over with the Fury Road that's currently wowing movie audiences?

‘Best and Worse of Cannes 2015 Festival’ Things we loved, we disliked and we looked forward to

Surprises were all the matter. These films are all work-of-art that were the end product of the hard work given by the writers, directors, producers, film staffs and the artists. The Cannes Film Festival 2015 is such a hit and we all can’t wait for the next year’s festival of films that, one more time, will change our views and beliefs of what these films can do.

'Mad Max: Fury Road' and 'Mario Kart' combine in incredible mash-up video; Tom Hardy becomes Mario, fights real-life Chain Chomps

Mad Max: Fury Road and Mario Kart come together for the best viral video you'll see all week (all month, maybe? It's pretty great). 'Mario Kart: Fury Road' edits Blue Shells, Chain Chomps and so much more into the world of Mad Max.

‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ sequel update: Creator of fake George Miller Twitter account responds; says ‘just playing for laughs’

Lenny Delowitz explains the intention of the fake @GMillerMax account, where he posted an alleged “Mad Max: Fury Road” sequel. He said that it was just “for laugh” and should not be taken seriously.

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"Pitch Perfect 2" hit all the right notes at the box office, snagging first place on the charts with a smashing $70.3 million debut despite fierce competition from "Mad Max: Fury Road."
Lupita Nyong’o easily took the top spot of the best dressed stars in “Cannes Film Festival 2015” with her green gown while couple Charlize Theron and Sean Penn sizzled during the “Mad Max: Fury Road” premiere.
Actor Tom Hardy teased about an upcoming secret DC Comics Project but left it vague and hanging for curious fans to guess. Speculations include "Daredevil" is in the list to be released via Netflix.
"Star Wars: The Force Awakens", "Mockingjay Part 2", and "Terminator: Genisys" are just few of the most-awaited movies of 2015. Since the early stages of production of these movies, online speculations about their plots, characters, and twists have circulated online. But what other movies made it to almost everyone's list of highly-anticipated movies of 2015?
The new trailer of Mad Max: Fury Road is a visual feast as the footage is not the usual road chase scenes and hero-villain fight scenes.
Mad Max; Fury Road is making sure its female characters are more than just eye candies – they actually are central to the film’s plot. Charliz Theron takes on a badass role as she sights side-by-side with the eponymous “Mad’ Max.
Avalanche Studios Senior Producer John Fuller revealed that they were almost at the final phase of development for "Mad Max." The anticipated video game adaptation of the post-apocalyptic movie would be launched this fall.
Warner Bros and Avalanche studios, the company who made the Just Cause series are joining hands to create a game based on the film Mad Max: Fury Road, which is showing on May 14.
The “Mad Max: Fury Road” movie is by all means a legacy and its recent trailer featured nothing less but a tribute to the whole iconic three decade of the franchise. Meanwhile, Charlize Theron shared her misunderstandings with co-actor Tom Hardy while filming the movie.
Batman might lay a smackdown on Superman in 'Batman vs Superman.' "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" is set to have one of the biggest and most anticipated fights in comic book movie history- obviously, we're referring to the first fateful time when Batman (played by Ben Affleck) and Superman (Henry Cavill) lay a beatdown on each other.
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