Tags: Street Fighter 5 Release

Street Fighter 5 Limited Beta Causes Trouble for Street Fighter Fans; Capcom Discloses Reasons Of Said Disruption

Street Fighter 5 is one of the upcoming games by Capcom that is entailed by controversy. The recent beta issues that the game itself is going through has certainly made a negative impact before the game even spawns to the public next year.

Street Fighter 5 PS4 Beta Starts on July 23; Birdie and Cammy Join the Roster of Playable Characters

Street Fighter 5 welcomes two new characters to the roster and Birdie and Cammy were announced in Sony's E3 press conference. The former is a surprise for fans, and at the same time, is equipped with peculiar V-Skills which will leave players more addicted than ever.

Street Fighter 5 PS4 Update: Capcom confirms Early 2016 release date; New BRUTAL teaser unveils Vega in Psycho Power Attack vs. Charlie Nash [Watch Video]

Fans of Street Fighter 5 will be delighted to hear the latest news that Capcom has released a new trailer of M. Bison, showing the villainous boss unleashing his Psycho Power on Charlie Nash. Fans may notice some changes in the appearance of M. Bison in the video, where he has now sporting a grey hair. His usual flowing cape is gone and now he is wearing a slick new trench coat.

Street Fighter 5 PS4, PC Release May NOT Happen At All? Fans Doubt Capcom's Launching in 2016?

Street Fighter 5 was officially announced to release by 2016, yet until now, there were no progress reports mentioned online as of now. The game developer has not announced anything new to their avid fans yet regarding the game details.

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Street Fighter 5's frachise producer Yoshinori Ono assures longing fans that the game is worth the wait. Overwhelmed with a huge fan base, Ono admitted that the game is "comfortably the most straightforward" in his career.
Since Tokaige Game Party Japan exhibitions, one of Japan's top five most admired fighting gods, Haitani didn't appear to any game tournaments. He even didn't have to make bids for $500,000 prize pool for the upcoming Capcom Pro Tour in 2015. However, fans are hoping that he would soon appear for the upcoming game or at least in Ultra Street Fighter 4.
Latest juicy details have been spilled regarding Street Fighter 5 release date, 14 playable fighters, and the upcoming online beta test that Capcom confirmed to be the biggest and most ambitious in the history of the franchise.
The 'Street Fighter V' for PC and PS4 may have been accidentally leaked and discovered via a merchandising post for the game that indicated next spring release date .
Gamers who pre-order "Street Fighter 5" would be able to get their hands on the game's online beta. Meanwhile, a game favortite, Charlie Nash, returns to the game with some tricks on his sleeves.
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