Tags: The Revenant News

'The Revenant' Movie Review: Leonardo DiCaprio could finally win an Oscar or still an elusive dream? Film not recommended for 'sissies'

As the veteran actor, Leonardo DiCaprio, prepares for his upcoming big screen appearance, different comments and reviews about his new project "The Revenant" is surfacing in the social media. Movie critics and analysts commended him for a great performance.

‘The Revenant’ Movie News: Hellish filming paid off; Generates Oscar buzz

‘The Revenant’ shows a potential Oscar contender with two of its trailers. With reports of tough conditions while filming, the positive momentum and promising visuals of the film seems to have made up for the hellish filming.

Leonardo DiCaprio and His Road to the Oscars

Leonardo DiCaprio might always have fallen short to his Oscar award but never on his acting. The veteran actor is said to offer something new and delightful in the movie "The Revenant" this coming Christmas Day.

‘The Revenant’ Updates: Leonardo DiCaprio fights a bear and is left for dead in latest trailer; Insiders reveal that filming was “hell”

‘The Revenant’ finally dropped its latest trailer that showed leading man Leonardo DiCaprio fighting off a bear and being left for dead in the big American wilderness. Insiders revealed that filming with director Alejandro G. Iñárritu was “a living hell of a shoot”.

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A footage of director Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu's film 'The Revenant' was revealed at a recent CinemaCon recently, and was warmly received by the audiences.
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