Tags: The Winds of Winter

‘The Winds of Winter’ Release Date, Predictions: George R.R. Martin sets countdown? Author speaks up to set things straight

‘The Winds of Winter’ has yet to be released but rumors are circulating that George R.R. Martin tweeted a countdown for its release. The Author took it to his live journal to clarify news and set things straight once and for all.

George R.R. Martin’s ‘The Winds of Winter’ to be released in 2015; Author was inspired by ‘Star Wars’ Trailer to finish the 6th installment of ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’

George R.R. Martin’s fans are in for a treat this 2015. The author is finally determined to finish “The Winds of Winter” after being inspired by the “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” trailer.

'The Winds of Winter' Predictions, Release Update: George R.R. Martin to expose weddings and largest battle for the Iron Throne; Who will be married?

'The Winds of Winter' is set to include the largest clash where Ramsay and Stannis battle it out to acquire the Iron Throne. Moreover, several planned weddings would include as twists. Who will get married?

"The Winds of Winter" Release Date, Predictions: George R.R. Martin novel to establish Robb's formed kingdom? Davos' dilemma between 2 kings

"The Winds of Winter" lounges as the primary talk of the town, for bunch of character and plot speculations and predictions are surfacing. Moreover, everybody has to tolerate his or her patience, as the release date is still inconclusive.

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According to "A Song of Ice and Fire" mastermind George R. R. Martin, he will have a substantially lessened role on the next season of HBO's "Game of Thrones"
A formula based on "Martinology," the study of George R. R. Martin and how fast he writes his books, predicts that the next novel in "A Song of Ice and Fire" will release in 2017
The fifth season of HBO's the "Game of Thrones" has recently been concluded, and now fans who also read the "A Song of Ice and Fire" books where the show is based are itching to get their hands on "The Winds of Winter," the sixth novel. This is what we know so far.
Now that the fifth season of HBO's "Game of Thrones" has been concluded, fans are asking if the sixth book in George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series (where the TV series is based) will come out anytime soon.
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