Tags: The Winds of Winter

George RR Martin to Release A New Chapter of ‘The Winds of Winter’ at the 2015 ConQuest?

George RR Martin announced that he will be reading a chapter from his sixth book, "The Winds of Winter" during the Conquest 46 event in Kansas, Missouri. Martin did not clarify whether or not he will be reading a previously released chapter from the book including the chapter about Sansa titled, "Alayne" or if he will be reading an entirely new chapter from the book.

‘The Winds of Winter’ Spoilers: Stannis ends up with the Iron Throne? George RR Martin promises to release sequel before ‘Game of Thrones’ season 6

"The Winds of Winter" is still a couple of months away from its release if George RR Martin stays true to his word that the sequel to "A Dance with Dragons" will be released before "Game of Thrones" season 6 premieres on HBO. Another "Winds of Winter" theory emerges and speculates that Stannis could take his claim to the Iron Throne and may battle against Daenerys.

Great Book Alternatives to George RR Martin’s ‘The Winds of Winter’

As George RR Martin is still down to wrapping up "The Winds of Winter," book fans may try several pieces written by other authors, which are just as engaging as Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire." Martin promised that "Winds of Winter" will be released before "Game of Thrones" season 6 airs on HBO.

‘Winds of Winter’ Storyline as Inspired by Famous Authors; George RR Martin Predicts Sixth Book Will Be Released Before ‘Game of Thrones’ Season 6

Book fans have long been waiting for George RR Martin to release the sixth book, "The Winds of Winter" in the book series, "A Song of Ice and Fire." While Martin predicts that he will finish the book before "Game of Thrones" season six premieres on television, an outlet has creatively taken inspiration from several key authors of this generation to create an entirely new "Winds of Winter" storyline.

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"Game of Thrones" is already catching up to George R.R. Martin's books with some fans believing that parts of "Winds of Winter" are already being shown on the HBO Series. The latest episode of GOT showed Jon Snow's transition to being the rightful leader of the Night's Watch after beheading Janos Slynt, the same man who grabbed his father, Ned Stark during his execution in Season one. With this transition also marks the question as to whether or not Snow will be killed in "Winds of Winter."
"Game of Thrones" is already surpassing George RR Martin's books, which fuels speculations that the latest episode of the HBO series may already show spoilers for the upcoming book. Fans believe that the scene wherein Jamie heads to Dorne could potentially lead to spoilers while the murder of the "Sons of the Harpy" could also mean the fall down of Daenerys Targaryen.
George RR Martin is yet to announce “The Winds of Winter” release date, but he recently teased fans with a sample chapter from the much-awaited book and dropped a hint of a shocking twist on a long-time character, which won’t appear on HBO’s “Game of Thrones.”
“Game of Thrones” showrunners D.B. Weiss and David Benioff have recently shared the story of their journey of creating the hit HBO show -- which is based on George RR Martin’s epic fantasy series -- while hinting they already know the conclusion of the widely popular saga.
"A Song of Fire and Ice" author George R.R. Martin revealed that he hopes to release "The Winds of Winter" before "Game of Thrones" season six premieres in 2016. Martin promises readers that the "Winds of Winter" will have a great plot twist enough to drive them crazy.
"Winds of Winter" spoilers hint that the absence of Aegon on "Game of Thrones" season five seems to confirm rumors that Griff is the mummer's dragon. George R. R. Martin expressed his sentiments on finishing "The Winds of Winter" and said that he hopes he can finish the book before season six of GOT.
George R.R. Martin posted an excerpt from his upcoming book “The Winds of Winter” weeks before the premiere of HBO’s “Game of Thrones” Season 5.
“Game of Thrones” co-producer and writer George R. R. Martin teased fans recently with a sample chapter of “The Winds of Winter,” the highly anticipated sixth book in his best-selling “A Song of Ice and Fire” series.
George R.R. Martin revealed in an interview that he hopes to release another installment of the Game of Thrones novels, The Winds of Winter by 2016. The books is said to be written in the point of view of Sansa Stark.
Fans are really disappointed on the rate of the production of the Winds of Winter installment of the book series A Book of Fire and Ice. Some fans are even bashing and complaining about GRRM's development on the book. Hopefully a release this coming fall is possible for the book series.
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