Trending News
Better Call Saul: Jonathan Banks Walking Out The Breaking Bad Image, After The First Season Finale,
Jonathan Banks is going at the higher level after the finale of the first season of Better Call Saul. Most of the finale is about his background in Philadelphia.
Person of Interest Spoilers: Terra Incognita Episode Shows Reese Takes Over Detective Carter's Cold Case
Reese takes over Detective Carter's cold case. There will be guest stars for this episode. Surely, there are a lot of exciting episodes to expect this week in Person of Interest.
2015 MacBook Air vs 2015 MacBook Pro vs 2015 12-inch Retina Macbook: Which Mac Better Suits You, Specs Comparison and More
Apple released 2015 MacBook Air on March 9, followed by 2015 Retina MacBook Pro on March 10, and Retina MacBook on April 10. A table comparing the specifications and features of the three Apple MacBooks. The pros and cons of the the machines are also presented.
Android 5.0 vs Android 5.1 vs Android 5.1.1 Lollipop: How Google improved your Android experience?
A short comparison of the features of the three Android Lollipop versions: Android 5.0; Android 5.1; and Android 5.1.1. The Android 5.1.1 Lollipop update is said to be released in “the coming days.”