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'Fallout 4’ PS4, Xbox One Release Update: Bethesda to be E3 2015’s star of the night; ‘Fallout 4’ gameplay improvements to be unveiled

Fans are itching to go to the E3 2015 where Bethesda would host the event and would even showcase some of their finest work, hopefully "Fallout 4" would be one of them.

‘Deadpool’ Spoilers, Cast Update: Is Morena Baccarin Ryan Reynold’s love interest? Will she be a prostitute or an assassin?

“Deadpool” is set to start its filming this March with an early 2016 release date. Morena Baccarin will join the cast of the upcoming Marvel movie adaptation to portray as the love interest for Deadpool who will be portrayed by Ryan Reynold. Morena’s possible role includes Domino and Copycat.

'Game of Thrones' Season 5 Spoilers: Deaths of Lord Baelish, Robert Arryn to be witnessed? New season even Gorier than 'Red Wedding'?

It comes to no surprise that everyone dies in 'Game of Thrones'. Who will be killed off in "Song of Ice and Fire"?

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Sony won't be having a press conference at the MWC this March because it does not have a flagship phone to showcase. Find the reason behind it here.
Things are not looking good for the sassy housewives of Beverly Hills. The supposedly joyous reunion ended up in disaster when reality star Brandi Glanville ruined it all for everyone.
Kendrick Lamar's newest single, 'The Blacker the Berry' lands on no. 2 spot at Billboards + Twitter Top Tracks this week.
OnePlus Two gives hints to its release date. And also which of the upcoming smart phones could be better.
Xiaomi Mi Note Release Date became a two-parter due to the fact that it was sold out after 3 minutes it was released to the market. Xiaomi now aims to compete against both Samsung and Apple companies.
'The Voice' Season 8 premiered last Monday. Fans of the show can now watch via online streaming on NBC website.
This week's episodes of the 'General Hospital' will see Nikolas unravel, after fire fire breaks out at Spencer's birthday party.
Chris Brown and Rihanna are allegedly texting. Their last conversation was on Friday when Rihanna celebrated her 27th birhtday. Apparently, Karrueche doesn't like it which causes feud on Brown.
Interpretations of Unite the Seven phrase Tweeted by director Snyder has observers split. Does it refer to an enhanced role for Aquaman or does it open the door for a seventh member of the Justice League? Either way, the moviegoers win.
Rihanna and Leonardo DiCaprio are hooking up, but reports claim that Leonardo isn’t ready for a relationship with someone like Rihanna. Meanwhile, Chris Brown seems really cool about the dating rumors and he’s not really bitter about it.
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