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'The Last Guardian' PS4 Release Date Cancelled? Sony Files Petition to Revive Trademark Lapse
Sony quells the rumors that 'The Last Guardian' release date is cancelled as trademark in the US has been abandoned.
"Expendables 4" Cast Includes Justin Bieber on Front Row? Sylvester Stallone Adds Hulk Hogan Too?
Few rumors are more insane than Justin Bieber becoming an Expendable. The longer we wait without solid news on "The Expenables 4," the more ridiculous the rumors become.
‘Fallout 4’ PS4, Xbox One Release Date, Rumors: Bethesda to dazzle fans in E3 with ‘Fallout 4,’ insider tweets fearless forecast
Much hype has been brewing about "Fallout 4." Now an industry insider had also placed his bet on E3 as Bethesda's finest hour.
'Street Fighter X' PS3, PS4 Release Date, Rumors: Game compatible in Sony's VA stick; Newly-licensed Venom Arcade launched for consoles
Though Bandai Namco hasn't had newest announcements regarding the release of "Street Fighter X" whether it will be crossed-over with Tekken 7, Sony's Venom Arcade, recently-licensed and distributed, has already recognized the game as part of its game list compatible platforms.