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'The Last Guardian' PS4 Release Date Cancelled? Sony Files Petition to Revive Trademark Lapse

Sony quells the rumors that 'The Last Guardian' release date is cancelled as trademark in the US has been abandoned.

"Expendables 4" Cast Includes Justin Bieber on Front Row? Sylvester Stallone Adds Hulk Hogan Too?

Few rumors are more insane than Justin Bieber becoming an Expendable. The longer we wait without solid news on "The Expenables 4," the more ridiculous the rumors become.

‘Fallout 4’ PS4, Xbox One Release Date, Rumors: Bethesda to dazzle fans in E3 with ‘Fallout 4,’ insider tweets fearless forecast

Much hype has been brewing about "Fallout 4." Now an industry insider had also placed his bet on E3 as Bethesda's finest hour.

'Street Fighter X' PS3, PS4 Release Date, Rumors: Game compatible in Sony's VA stick; Newly-licensed Venom Arcade launched for consoles

Though Bandai Namco hasn't had newest announcements regarding the release of "Street Fighter X" whether it will be crossed-over with Tekken 7, Sony's Venom Arcade, recently-licensed and distributed, has already recognized the game as part of its game list compatible platforms.

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Avid viewers are now confused whether Aaron, the newly introduced character in "The Walking Dead" Series is a foe or a friend. Several rumors have been released that Aaron will lead Rick's group to the Atlanta Safe Zone. But why are the sneak peak videos for the next episode of the series in battle mode?
Duncan Jones is spilling some "Warcraft" movie details on Twitter. The "Warcraft" film has been hotly anticipated for a while now, from both non-gamers and gamers alike (but especially from those who love the "Warcraft" game series).
Ubisoft made clear that they would be making versions of "Tom Clancy's The Division" that would look great on a variety of game consoles.
"Sister Wives" is full of surprises even before its finale hits on March 1 and it returns for a new season in the fall. On Twitter, Meri and Kody revealed that they were not feeling "strong" enough to have more children, hence only Mariah as their daughter.
Amber Rose slammed Tyga for leaving her friend Blac Chyna and her kid for Kylie Jenner. In defense of her young sister, Khloe Kardashian bashed Rose on Twitter and brought up her past as a stripper.
Two major injuries spell trouble for the latest James Bond film. "Spectre," the latest James Bond film due out this year, has suffered two major setbacks over the course of a week.
Since its delayed release, fans have been anticipating the PC version of 'GTA 5 Online Heists' which was earlier announced to release by late January. However, Rockstar moved it to March for its final polishing and testing. Leaks of the DLC are also revealed.
Devious Maids Season 3 might be seen again this spring. The show will give its fans new characters and fresh episodes.
Should you install or not the Windows 10 Preview for phones? Here are questions and answers about the new OS that can help you decide whether you should load it up or not.
The latest reveal on No Man's Sky release date surfaced online that the next big intergalactic portals, pre-historic creatures featured indie game is set to hit shelves third quarter of 2015 according to an Australian Magazine.
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