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'X-Men: Apocalypse" Leak: Hugh Jackman to Wear Classic Yellow Wolverine Costume in Next 'X-Men' Film [Photo]
A leaked photo shows the classic Wolverine costume that may appear in the next "X-Men" film
Paul George NBA return after injury unknown; Experts suggest player may get back in All-Star form after rehab
Looking at the careers of former stars like Bernard King and Grant Hill, George historically might not get back to his All-Star form once he recovers from his injury. But Mark Price, Chris Webber, and Michael Jordan, nonetheless, defied expectations and showed the entire NBA world that its possible to turn your career around after a season-ending injury.
Serena Williams, coach and rumored boyfriend Patrick Mourataglou back together? Wins first Cincinatti title
Fashion & Style also noted that Mourataglou is definitely doing his part in the flirting game with his enthusiastic answers to Williams' tweets. Last July 19, Serena tweeted,"Traning on vacy is relaxing. Now time to get back @pmouratoglou get ready," to which the he responded, "@serenawilliams don't tease me! I am already so energized by the new challenges that we set up as our goals. See you soon, I am ready."
Paul George hopeful on return next season after injury; Indiana Pacers has no plans of tanking NBA season
George's injury will reportedly prove a great challenge for head Coach Frank Vogel and President Larry Bird entering the 2014-15 season. Though George is hoping for a return, it is highly unlikely that he would be playing sometime during the entire season.