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'John Wick 2' Movie Update: film shoots this fall; director also revealed

The sequel "John Wick 2" will shoot this fall. The film's director is also reportedly revealed.

Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 NEW Gamplay Details at NYCC Next Month Confirmed; Naruto Creator to Appear at the Event

New gameplay details on the upcoming release of Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 will be announced at the prestigious New York Comic Con (NYCC) next month, CyberConnect2 CEO Hiroshi Matsuyama has confirmed. Also, the famous Naruto creator Kishimoto will be on his way to the said event for the US screening of Boruto Naruto The Movie.

Street Fighter 5 2nd Cross-Play Beta Set October 7-14; PC Minimum, Recommended Specs Revealed

Capcom has just confirmed that Street Fighter 5 second beta that will feature cross-play between two platforms, PS4 and PC will be held on October 7 to 14 as the game nears its official release date in Spring 2016. Also, the developer has announced the minimum and recommended PC specs required for the game.

Google Keep Update: Now Available for Free Download to iOS

Apple users can now download the Google Keep on their iPhones or iPads. This application is officially available to iOS, which brings note-taking into a whole new level.

Latest News

The upcoming LG V10 flagship was shown in a teaser video by LG, supposedly to feature a dual-screen display. It is said that LG is also working on a foldable smartphone behind the scenes.
Sony PlayStation VR will reportedly market as a new gaming platform in the video game industry. Game titles likely to make their way to the VR include London Heist, Rigs, Among the Sleep, and The Assembly.
The Nexus 5X and 6P are the expected Google Nexus 5 2015 smartphones that are developed respectively by LG and Huawei which will be unveiled in the upcoming event on September 29. Additionally, it'll showcase the new features and capabilities of Android 6.0 Marshmallow with the upcoming flagships.
Michael Schumacher’s loyal supporters react to speculations made regarding the F1 champion’s health condition. Although official details of his recuperation had been scarce as of the present, his agent Sabine Kehm continues to reassure that he is doing progress appropriate to the severity of his injuries. Several communities have been created to help support him, his family and friends.
Nintendo's Super Smash Bros. 4 has gone wild and out with a powerful breeze for quite some time now. Everytime a new DLC is announced, fans go berserk over it--but how true are the facts that come out?
Benedict Cumberbatch of BBC's "Sherlock" got into the hot seat of a show wherein he reads mean tweets posted about him. But instead of being annoyed or offended, he has responded to them with great humor.
Ed Sheeran just announced his latest music with Redimental entitled "Lay It All On Me". However, the singer- songwriter revealed that this will be the last song he will be dropping for a long time.
Sarah Jessica Parker just recently admitted her obsession with shoes. On the other hand, in another chat, the actress revealed that in one of her 90's movies, a producer actually sent her a treadmill.
The hotly anticipated film of director Alejandro G. Iñárritu "The Revenant" receives R Rating from MPAA in which cited with "strong frontier combat and violence including gory images, a sexual assault, language and brief nudity." The lead actor Leonardo Di Caprio has promised to divest from fossil fuels.
The Academy award winning actor Eddie Redmayne who leads the upcoming drama "The Danish Girl" found help from transgender woman filmmaker Lana Wachowski. The director offered her generosity to Redmayne and was acknowledged with a "thank you" credit at the end of the film,
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