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Grand Theft Auto 6 News and Updates Regarding Long-Awaited Rock Star Games Hit; Relationship Option Included?
Grand Theft Auto has been a well-recognized brand that existed for quite some time. Until now, the expectations from Rock Star Games' much-anticipated Grand Theft Auto 6 has not ceased to present great feats--at least through some widespread news.
Andi Dorfman is crushing on newest ‘Bachelor’ for ‘The Bachelor’ 2015: Ben Higgins titled as the newest Bachelor; Andi wants second chance at love
Andi Dorfman is at again as she tries to tweet her way to fame and love. After finding out that crush Ben Higgins is the newest bachelor, 28 year old Andi wants in on the show, and took to twitter to show her interest. Apparently, Andi has had her eyes on the sales man for a while now, and believes that if given another chance, she can win Ben's heart.
Courtney Love writes nostalgic message to Kurt Cobain; posts photo of her w/ Kurt and daughter
Courtney Love wrote a nostalgic message to Kurt Cobain on Instagram. The singer also posted a photo of her together with Kurt Cobain and their daughter.
Heroes of the Storm New Update: The "Duck Hunt" Easter Eggs to be Included in Blizzard's awesome RPG patch?
Blizzard's Heroes of the Storm is currently adding more patches for its improvement. With how the game fares as of the moment, the probability of adding an interesting feature may just do the trick