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'Hannibal' Season 3 Episode 12 Spoilers: 'The Number Of The Beast Is 666' Synopsis Released; Bedelia Worries About Will And Dolarhyde Gets Hunted
'Hannibal' Season 3 Episode 12 entitled 'The Number of The Beast Is 666' will be featuring Dolarhyde getting hunted as he tries to kill Will. Bedelia worries about Will and warns him.
Fallout Shelter Android How-to Guide: Earn special rewards, boost dwellers' population, happiness level and MORE tips to jump-start the game
Bethesda announced the availability of its free-to-play mobile video game, Fallout Shelter for Android users. Previously, the game was available only for iOS users.
Nicki Minaj Had to Intervene Amidst a Big Brawl During one of Her Shows
During Nicki Minaj's recent performance in Concord, California, a big chaos happened that caused the singer to intervene in the middle of it and caused the show to end early
Kris Jenner’s first appearance on 'I Am Cait' heated and emotional; Caitlyn warns Kris 'don't go there', while Kim Kardashian warns Caitlyn, 'You're losing your family'
Kris Jenner and Caitlyn come face to face on 'I Am Cait' as the two dicsuss various issues regarding them selves and their family. In a heated and emotional conversation, Kris breaks downs emotionally while Caitlyn doesn't put up with it. Caitlyn's step daughters Khloe and Kim Kardashian also open up to Caitlyn and warn there former stepdad that she's 'loosing her family.'