Trending News

OnePlus 2 launching July 27; Features include fingerprint sensor faster than Touch ID, 3GB RAM, Full HD plus other killer specs

This coming July 27, the OnePlus 2 will launch entirely in virtual reality. According to OnePlus, a fingerprint sensor that’s “faster than Touch ID” will be featured to this second generation smartphone.

Thor 3: Ragnarok Plot Spoilers, News : Kevin Feige reveals director, writers to be announced by end of summer; Thanos to take down Asgard?

Thor 3: Ragnarok is still years away from its release date but plot theories have surfaced as to the possible events that might happen in Asgard during their dreaded apocalypse. Details about the cast and crew are scarce as of the moment, but Kevin Feige recently assured fans that some of their queries will soon be answered.

Iron Man 4 News: Robert Downey, Jr. requests for talent fee raise? Actor to be replaced by Ty Simpkins?

The query continues as to whether or not Iron Man will once again star in his stand alone film, Iron Man 4. Financial issues have been pointed out to be the reason why the film might not appear in theaters soon. Although it has not been confirmed yet, fans might have to wait for the Marvel Phase 3 to be finished, and might also be having a younger Iron Man in the upcoming instalment.

Suicide Squad Update: Jai Courtney's beard was director David Ayer's idea; Margot Robbie receives Harley Quinn cake from crew

The much awaited movie dedicated to the DC Universe' ultimate villains, Suicide Squad, is currently in the works, moving bit by bit to meet its scheduled release date next year. Although plot details are scarce, the cast members, however, have always been reliable at revealing details about the characters, and filming updates.

Latest News

EA Sports has already revealed the international cover for FIFA 16 as Leo Messi shows his signature move; No Touch Dribbling is added in the gameplay through a mocap system, giving gamers more tactics to try in tournaments.
Read up on the latest reveals for Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 as Bandai Namco gives a preview that showcases another in-game character. At the same time, a special package of the game has been announced, with more exciting bonuses to be offered.
Be part of the upcoming tour competition for Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege by checking out the full schedule. A closed beta will also be available later on by donating to Extra Life as the Ubisoft title will soon be coming out to current gen Xbox and PS, as well as the PC.
Find out why there is some disparity with Halo 5 Guardians despite it being part of a well-loved franchise from Microsoft and 343 Industries, and see how the game is progressing for its release on October 27 for the Xbox One.
No other camera showcases Leica’s philosophy to “combine what is technically possible with what makes sense photographically” than the new Leica Q camera, built in with 24-megapixel, full-frame CMOS sensor, 3-inch touch screen high resolution LCD display, WiFi and more.
Sony has officially announced six free games for July 2015 which become downloadable on the 7th, with four titles for PS4 and two more are available for other playstation consoles, one for PS3 and another for PS Vita.
Sheriff Romero and Norma will be taking their relationship to the next level as “Bates Motel” enters its fourth season. The new chapter could also see Norman try to ruin the blooming relationship of Dylan and Emma. The hit series is slated to return on A&E on March 2016 if the network follows the show’s previous air dates.
Netflix ‘Sense8’ Season 2 renewal still in the limbo; But, 5 seasons were already mapped out. As of today, no words from Netflix yet if 'Sense8' season 2 renewal could happen or not.
Miley Cyrus and Stella Maxwell shocked the press after they gave a steamy show. The two kissed and were very affectionate. This was all captured by the camera.
Persona 5 is already announced to hit North America this coming Winter 2015 but a more solid release date for the fifth installment of the franchise is yet to be confirmed and some interesting speculation surfaced online suggesting that such announcement of details will be happening in August.
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