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Fear the Walking Dead Latest Updates: Show centers on how the zombie outbreak started
Fear the Walking Dead is coming this August. Fans are excited on what the show has to offer. This coming August, Fear the Walking Dead will premiere. It is created by Robert Kirkman and Dave Erickson.
Mass Effect 4 Title Could Have Been “Beyond” Instead of “Andromeda”; BioWare Game Protagonist is a Human?
Read up on the story behind the title for Mass Effect 4 as Chris Wynn talks about what might have been the awkward similarity with the Star Trek film. At the same time, recap on what was shared during the E3 conference for the4 BioWare game would be discussed.
Duggar Family Faces More Controversies After Molestation Issue; 19 Kids and Counting stars pay the same officers who investigate them
The Duggar family is facing more troubles after the molestation issue. The TV reality stars are hiring cops for secuirty purposes.
'The Hateful Eight' Update: Quentin Tarantino Says Upcoming Western Flick Is "The Funniest Snow Western Ever Made"
Quentin Tarantino recently referred his upcoming Western film "The Hateful Eight" as "the funniest snow Western ever made", The upcoming Civil War-era pic is set to have an exclusive two-week US roadshow in 70mm nationwide starting in December 25, and a digital theatrical release to follow in January 8th.