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‘Game of Thrones’ Season 5 Spoilers: Leaked Clips Show An Awkward Encounter, Master Aemon Tells Jon Snow to ‘Kill the Boy’
"Game of Thrones" season five came in with a bang, as its first four episodes were leaked online. Two spoilers clips from the show's upcoming episode titled "Kill the Boy" have also been leaked by a certain fan on Instagram. The leaked clips showed Jon Snow receiving advice from Master Aemon and Reek being convinced by Ramsay to walk Sansa down the aisle in their upcoming wedding.
‘Outlander’ Season 2 Update: Filming Begins, New Cast Members to be Announced at San Diego Comic Con?
"Outlander Season 2" is already gearing up for season two, as the cast and crew have started filming scenes for the next season. The Starz sci-fi time traveller series follows Diana Gabaldon's book series and season two will follow her second book, "Dragonfly in Amber." The show is expected to introduce new characters, including a couple of fan favorites during the 2015 San Diego Comic Con.
‘The D Train’ Update: Jack Black Dishes Out Details of Sex Scene with James Marsden
Fans can expect a no ordinary comedy film as Jack Black and James Marsden star in ‘The D Train,’ and as a testament, Black dishes out details on his sex scene with Marsden in the movie. While that is thrilling, how did he manage to do such scene? Did it feel awkward?
‘The Walking Dead’ Spoilers: 3 Things You Need to Know About Season 6
"The Walking Dead" is gearing up for season six and fans are wondering when they could expect Rick, Daryl, and the rest of the gang back for another season. Additional characters would also arrive in Alexandria, wherein one of them could become Daryl's love interest.