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Fifty Shades Darker cast includes Michael Fassbender? Is he up to sexy scenes too as Dr. Flynn?
There's been a lot of talk that Michael Fassbender just might play the role of Dr. Flynn, the psychiatrist of Christian Grey, in the second installment of the "Fifty Shades" trilogy. If he does join the cast of FIfty Shades Darker, there will be two cinematic crushes in the movie. Michael Fassbender has raised his profile in reent years with several hit films, and has gained fans from all over the world who are awed not only bu his versatility but also his charisma and sex appeal.
Star Wars Battlefront Xbox One, PS4, PC News Round-up: DICE dishes 5 hottest reveals fans can expect in November release
Dice has revealed hefty new details on Star Wars Battlefront confirmed to release November 17 on Xbox One, PS4 and PC platforms and we have rounded up five hottest reveals that Star Wars fans can expect from the much awaited title.
'Project CARS' final PC build graphical options also available in PS4, Xbox One; Sim game receives awesome reviews
"Project CARS" would be offering a lot of graphical options that would be available not only on the PC edition but also on the PS4 and the Xbox editions as well.
The Blacklist Season 2 Spoilers: Cabal Gets Payback, Liz And Red Seek For Attacker, Union State Down?
The episode started with Red concerned that Karakurt, the Cabal Russian assassin sneaked into the country in the previous episode, was thinking a series of attacks on American defense fixings to activate another Cold War.