Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge gets additional memory and more juice from Incipio Offgrid Case
One of the biggest concerns of any mobile phone user is the short battery life. Phone manufacturers seem to have never solved this issue. But now, Incipio, a mobile accessories manufacturer, has launched a new battery case that will add not only battery life but additional storage as well for the Samsung Galaxy S6 family.
Google’s 2015 Nexus 5 under LG and Huawei Promise Better Specs from Predecessor
Google is now partnering with LG and Huawei to manufacture the upcoming 2015 Nexus 5 which promises to be a superior device that Motorola's 2013 version of Nexus 5. more details here.
Apple on the Verge of Releasing 2015 Flagship Tablets iPad Pro and iPad Mini 4
Apple is no longer releasing iPad Air 2's successor in 2015. However, iPad Pro and iPad Mini 4 are set to launch before the year ends. More details here.
What Destiny Fans Want to See in the Next 2.0.0 Update?
Destiny is listing the most frequent wish list of fanatics in its online community forum and might consider them in the game's upcoming 2.0.0 update. What do fans want? More details here.