Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 To Be Overrun By Nazi Zombies, Zombie Mode Official Reveal During July’s Comic Con
Like the previous releases, Call Of Duty: Black Ops3 is going to have a Zombies Mode. Official zombie mode to be revealed during next month’s Comic Con.
'Horizon: Zero Dawn' game engine is 'non-tutorialized': Game encourages players to learn the best way to defeat enemies
Guerilla Games art director Jan-Bart van Beek says that the upcoming PS4 game "Horizon: Zero Dawn" will not feature a tutorialized introduction to the game's mechanics, but will instead encourage players to discover enemy weaknesses on their own.
Destiny Patch Makes Small Adjustments To Trials Of Osiris, Features Changes to Passage Coins Eligibility and Attack Rating Adjustment
A patch released by Bungie the other day makes some minor changes to the Trials of Osiris game mode.
'Game of Thrones' Kit Harington joins Brimstone movie, Replaces Robert Pattinson?
Kit Harington is now moving on to the big screens. Harrington, of Game of Thrones fame, will be replacing Robert Pattinson in the upcoming thriller, Brimstone.