Lenovo IdeaCentre Stick 300 running Windows OS; Could this support daily usage or office works?
The hints and information about the PC on a stick Lenovo IdeaCentre Stick 300 emerged throughout the surface of news and reports. There are no concrete details and has no picture shown to flaunt the figure of the device, but there is a partial information revealed on their own website indicating the product name of Lenovo IdeaCentre Stick 300 as "part number GXH0J47375" and in entry-level option, Lenovo IdeaCentre Stick 300 is referred to as Lenovo IdeaCentre 300-01IBY EMEA. The overview describes that this is the ultra-portable entry-level PC with Windows Os. The miniature can run Windows OS which it would be an interesting fact. However, no details of specification yet. Whether it is Windows 8.1 or probably the miniature PC, will be advancing to the latest OS version of Windows, Windows 10. Other than that, there is no further details at this point such as the pricing and the launching date. The availability is currently blank. The partial details have the potential to surface thoroughly sooner.
Why Nitendo NX might be the next revolutionary gaming console system
The expedition of Nintendo after their great success of Nintendo DS wasn't successful by enhancing the Nintendo DS into Nintendo 3DS followed by making Wii U that, unfortunately, become the worst console games in history. The greatest success of Nintendo was due to taking the biggest risk. The top-selling Nintendo DS is a portable console game that characterized by the two-screen display, the second display is screen enabled touch. In the beginning, the portable console game had made mocked but later it become the handheld game that made revolutionary.
Element to buy majority of GE Capital's fleet ops for C$8.6 bln
Canada's Element Financial Corp (EFN.TO) said it will buy General Electric Co's (GE.N) fleet management operations in the United States, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand for C$8.6 billion ($6.98 billion) in cash.
China stocks slide despite calming efforts
China's stock markets closed sharply lower on Monday after a frantically volatile day of trading, despite surprise monetary easing moves by the central bank at the weekend.