
Microsoft Band 2 sports better comfortable design, Windows 10, and Cortana; Price at $249

Microsoft has already announced its new fitness tracker band 2 that has a better comfortable design and software platform than its predecessor. The device can be purchased at a competitive price, which starts at $249.

Samsung Galaxy S6 LTE-A Up for Android 6.0 Marshmallow Test

Samsung Galaxy S6 LTE-A is now bound for Android 6.0 Marshmallow tests which is expected to come in November. Samsung has already revealed that the upgrade will come in the first quarter of 2016.

Samsung Galaxy S6 on T-Mobile Confirmed to Test Android 6.0 Marshmallow

T-Mobile's Samsung Galaxy S6 units are headed to Android 6.0 Marshmallow tests. The biggest software upgrade will bring in improvements in Google Now, apps permissions, app drawer, battery life, and so many more.

Samsung Gear S2 regular and classic versions now available in US, soon in UK

The regular and classic versions of Samsung Gear S2 are now hitting the store shelves in the US and soon in the UK. The regular smartwatch can be purchased in $299.99 while the classic model is available at $349.99.

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The film's first trailer has been released recently featuring Sander's Tommy 'White Knife' Stockburn team up with his brothers to complete a mission in The Ridiculous Six. A new poster was also released for the film showing the Stockburn brothers.
Samsung Galaxy S5 units on Verizon Wireless is bound for the Android 6.0 Marshmallow tests. Accordingly, it will begin in November. Marshmallow will bring in new key features and improvements. More details here.
John Lasseter revealed that they will try a new element in the franchise's story by finding a love interest for Woody in Toy Story 4. Writer Pete Docter revealed that new elements are to be expected from the film although it will be set in the same world and feature the same characters.
Although his upcoming Aquaman solo film is still a couple of years away, Jason Momoa revealed that he has been digging on comic books about the character.Momoa revealed during the 2015 Dallas Comic Con that he has been doing his research for the upcoming project, specifically on the New 52 comics.
Samsung Galaxy S5 on US Cellular will hit Android 6.0 Marshmallow through tests as the development phase wraps up in October. Marshmallow will bring in notable refinements for the Galaxy S5. More details here.
Nick Jonas has been rumoured to be dating or hooking up with actress Kate Hudson for quite some time now. The singer was then grilled about these allegations as guested on Ellen Degeneres Show.
Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck revealed the root of the feud between characters in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Meanwhile new images were recently released for the film featuring Gadot as Diana Prince, the new Bat mobile, and a first look at DC's trinity, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman donning their super suits.
Jennifer Aniston shared how she and her husband Justin Theroux were amazed at their wedding saying it was everything they wanted it to be. She also shared that they haven't even seen any of the official wedding photos yet.
A new tv spot was released for the upcoming Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2. A good $121.5 million is also projected for the franchise's final instalment, weeks before it hits theaters.The film's over all total awareness is also high at 90%, while the definite interest for the film is in 63% compared to Part 1's 65%.
"Humans," now renewed for a second season to air in 2016, will explore deeper into all kinds of relationships between humans and "synths"--sexual, romantic, familial. The sci-fi series became U.K. network, Channel 4's, most successful drama in 20 years which was imported by AMC in the US.
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