Tags: Avengers: Infinity War

'Avengers: Infinity War' Movie Spoilers: The Mad Titan Thanos will be the main villain? Loki joins the team for vengeance

While the "Avengers: Infinity War" part 1 movie is still a few years before its scheduled release, fans are left speculating on what the movie might offer. Rumors and speculations are circulating around the web leaving some spoilers as the studio remains silent about it.

Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 Spoilers, News: Vision is MCU's Adam Warlock? Marvel to release $1 billion budget for 2-part film

New claims suggest that the combined budget for Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 and 2 would amount to 1 billion, while plot speculations state that Vision could serve as MCU's Adam Warlock. Jeremy Latcham also previously revealed that change is to be expected in the team of Marvel superheroes.

‘Avengers: Infinity War Part 1’ Spoilers: Possible Plot sees Thanos hunts down Vision as Magus enters MCU

Vision will probably be one of the Avengers that won’t make it in the second part of “Avengers: Infinity War” as possible plot for Part 1 sees Thanos hunting down all the Infinity Stones including the one embedded on his forehead. “Avengers: Infinity War Part 1” drops on May 4, 2018.

Avengers: Infinity War Spoilers: Soul and Time Stones to be revealed in Phase 3? Kevin Feige teases MCU's future

Kevin Feige revealed that MCU will not end despite the Infinity War in phase 3, but it will definitely bring changes to the Avengers. He also added that the last 2 of the six Infinity Stones that are yet to be introduced will be revealed in phase 3.

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The Avengers: Infinity War is set to put all the superheroes against the biggest villain, Thanos. Chris Pratt's Starlord, along with the other Guradians of the Galaxy are expected to join this fight to death in the MCU.
A high resolution photo of Thanos was recently released for Avengers: Infinity War Part 1, while Chris Evans shared that he would be more than willing to don the Captain America costume even after his contract with Marvel.
‘Avengers: Infinity War’ is the first Marvel Studio film to be split into two parts. Rumor has it that Aaron Taylor-Johnson will return as a newly resurrected Quicksilver to fight alongside the other superheroes.
Marvel Studio's new ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ films may have multi-award winning songstress Beyonce Knowles-Carter on board to play another superhero. Spiderman may be joining the cast as well.
Marvel Studio's new Avengers: Infinity War films are to be filmed entirely with brand new technology to bring in a new cinematic experience and atmosphere to moviegoers. Possible villains have also been revealed in new updates.
While Avengers: Age of Ultron had just made another blockbuster hit out of itself, the Avengers will appear in the big screen once again in Avengers: Infinity War Part I and II. Both movies will be filmed back to back, and thus will probably take 9 months to finish.
Both parts of the superhero film ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ are believed to center on Thanos being the main antagonist. Spider-Man, Black Panther, and among others might cameo in the upcoming Marvel movie. Get the full details here.
After years of waiting and fighting evil enemies, finally the Avengers will soon come face to face with their biggest opponent yet in Avengers: Infinity War I and II. Avengers unite with other heroes to face Thanos and save the universe from being wiped out.
Additional superheroes will help the Avengers save the world from the evil Thanos. Characters like Doctor Strange and Spider-Man will appear in the Avengers: Infinity Wars.The third installment for the 'Avengers' trilogy will be divided in two parts: 'Avengers: Infinity War 1' which will be released on 2018 and the part 2 on 2019.
Quicksilver's fate in 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' seemed pretty certain, but could he feature in more films? Marvel mastermind Kevin Feige talks Aaron Taylor-Johnson's future film appearances.
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