Tags: Call of duty advanced warfare news

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare to receive 3 MORE guns, gear sets; Black Ops 3 Zombies Mode wrap-up vid launched

Following its big and final DLC release, Call of Duty Advanced Warfare will be receiving special additional bonus weapons as well as gear sets for current gen consoles, Xbox One and PS4 as officially announced by game developer Sledgehammer Games.

CALL of Duty: Advanced Warfare Supremacy DLC Hits PS4, PS3, PC July 2: 'The Evil Dead' Appears in EXO Zombies Mode

Supremacy is the third DLC of Call of Duty Advanced Warfare which is already released to Xbox One last June 2 which transports players to year 2054 and adding four new multiplayer maps - Parliament, Kremlin, Compound, and Skyrise which all feature EXO Grapple gameplay and a new Exo Zombies chapter.

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare 3rd DLC OUT for PS4, PS3, PC July 2; Denial Champs Elite Character Gear Set Coming to Xbox One

CALL of Duty: Advanced Warfare fans on PS4, PS3 and PC are set to get their hands on the third DLC pack, Supremacy, on July 2.

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Xbox One 'Supremacy' DLC Out This Week; EXO Zombies Saga adds Bruce Campbell; Highrise, 3 new maps feature EXO Grapple Mechanic

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare 'Supremacy' DLC is slated to go worldwide on June 2 to Xbox One. Highrise returns in the year 2054 with three other new multiplayer maps featuring the Exo Grapple mechanic. Also, EXO Zombies Saga continues in Carrier with Bruce Campbell joining the cast to fight off a horde of undead.

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Call of Duty Advance Warfare Boasts 2.5 billion Zombies killed and 2.2 trillion grenades exploded. the world is safer from zombies with COD gamers around to win the day.
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Ascendance DLC is will be available of all Microsoft consoles. The latest COD brings new maps weapons and traps! Gamers can also access a new playlist and new achievements.
Call of Duty: advanced Warfare's second DLC pack, Ascendance, brings in four new multiplayer maps, a custom weapon variant, a bonus weapon, and an Exo Grapple ability. It will be out on March 31, 2015 on Xbox One and Xbox 360.
The latest downloadable content for "Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare" has been revealed. Fans of "Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare will soon be able to get their hands on new content coming straight from the latest update announced for the game.
The Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Havoc DLC release date is just a few sleeps away to debut on PS4 and PC community offering the best yet multiplayer experience on February 26, the publisher has announced.
Finally, "Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare" will let us blow away some zombies. Been waiting for a new excuse to shoot some zombies? That excuse is almost here.