Tags: Dark Souls

‘Dark Souls 3’ Update: Story, Gameplay, Game Mechanics Unraveled In ‘Dark Souls 3’ Network Stress Test

The recently held network stress test for From Software’s Dark Souls 3 caused the surfacing of several gameplay videos in the internet which gained some comments among the gaming community prior to its release in March 2016.

Dark Souls 3 Gameplay Features Multiple Swords and Arrows; Screenshots Reveal Dancer Boss

Check out the latest teases for Dark Souls 3 when it comes to the weapons and intensity of gameplay with smarter plotting of enemies. The franchise of From Software performs well in sales worldwide.

Bloodborne Honest Trailer as ‘Brutal as Dark Souls,’ Reports Patch 1.03 Update

Bloodborne's new Honest Trailer is described in the clip 'as brutal as Dark Souls' showing blood-stricken combat. Honest Trailer also highlights Patch 1.03 which will address the long load times. More details here.

‘The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt’ PS4, Xbox One, PC Release: CPR got inspiration from ‘Dark Souls’ combat system; ‘Witcher 3’ giant dungeons to be horror themed?

CD Projekt RED answered questions from gamers waiting for the highly anticipated release of “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.” They said that the game’s combat system got inspiration from “Dark Souls,” while some dungeons would be horror themed.

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After the Order: 1886 flop, Sony pins their hope to Bloodborne to keep them afloat until Uncharted 4 arrives.
Dark Souls 2's April 2 release date in the UK has been confirmed. Dark Souls: Scholar of the First Sin will bring new dragon in Heide's Tower of Flame, new enemies traps and mechanics to new locations, an expanded story, and a lot more.