Tags: Final Fantasy 7

‘Final Fantasy 7’ Remake Rumored for a Nintendo Platform Release

The upcoming Final Fantasy 7 is rumored to be released on Nintendo NX, while inferring from the present actions of Square Enix.

Indie Game Developer Recreates ‘Final Fantasy 7’ into a 2D Action Game, Playable Demo Available for Download

A small independent game developer recreated Final Fantasy 7 into a 2D brawler, and released a playable demo.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Confirmed For PS4 Exclusive Release; Tetsuya Nomura confirms definite 'changes' in the upcoming game

Developer Square Enix finally confirmed the remake of Final Fantasy 7 and specifically announced compatibility with PS4. Such expressed inclusion was construed as implied exclusion of the Xbox One which had the developers address the concern.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Confirmed, Features New Story Line, May Veer Away From Turn based Style Game

Final Fantasy executive producer confirms that Final Fantasy 7 will be a remake and reveals that there may be new story pieces and gameplay mechanics.

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A remake of Final Fantasy 7 was confirmed at E3 2015 during Sony’s gaming conference. The remake is more than just a simple visual upgrade and it is set for release first for PS4.
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