Tags: Final Fantasy XV

HexaDrive brings designing chops to 'Final Fantasy XV' as they join the growing development team

HexaDrive will now become a part of the growing "Final Fantasy XV" development team. Square Enix continues to expand its roster of developers for their planned video game epic, "Final Fantasy XV" with the addition of HexaDrive.

Final Fantasy XV Release Date: New female character joins party? Square Enix confirms additional female guest changes game behaviour

Recently, there was a bit discussion whether it would be okay for the fans to add additional female playable character in the gameplay or not. However, Square Enix revealed that the blond-haired woman from the trailers would be new character, yet her presence will just be temporary.

‘Final Fantasy XV’ Update: ‘Episode Duscae’ Demo Codes up for grabs as ‘Secret Movie’ reveals game plot

“Final Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae” demo is now out and players get a first-hand experience in the highly anticipated game from Square Enix. Demo Codes are being sold by several players in online stores as the “Secret Movie” in the demo reveals more information on the game’s plot.

‘Kingdom Hearts 3’ Update: Will game to get a surprise release this November? Plot detail revealed

“Kingdom Hearts 3” may get a surprise release at the celebration of D23 Expo Japan. A Kingdom Hearts fan event will be held this November 3 at Cinema Ikspiari, Tokyo Disney Resort and Square Enix and Disney are planning to surprise its fans with a big announcement during the event.

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As the Final Fantasy X/X2 HD Remaster release is getting closer, Type-0 and XV series were also hoped to arrive this year. The remastered edition will be in PS4 platform.
While gamers have grown excited with the upcoming released of “Final Fantasy Type-0 HD, they would surely be surprised at how dark Square Enix had painted the world of Orience as its countries struggle to break free from an evil empire.
“Final Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae” demo will be available this March 17 at the release of “Final Fantasy Type-0.” A recent gameplay preview reveals all the details in the upcoming game as well as the massive improvement over the past Final Fantasy titles.
Amid reports that Square Enix might not be able to manage releasing 'Final Fantasy XV' this year, yet, they will still be releasing Episode Duscae demo with Type-0 HD next week. New 'food' feature to salivate gamers.
Square Enix admits pressure while developing 'Kingdom Hearts 3' along with 'Final Fantasy XV.' The game is set to arrive earlier than expected, thus it might be officially released this year in Sony and Nintendo consoles.
“Final Fantasy XV” is set for release on PS4, Xbox One and Amazon has listed the game for pre-order with a release date set on December 31, 2015. While the game is not yet included in the list of PlayStation Game for 2015, “Episode Duscae” demo will be available on March 17 for those who purchased the Collector’s Edition of Final Fantasy Type-0 HD.
Fans are hysterical with its ridiculous screenshots released. Amid feedbacks, Square Enix confidently invites gamers to attend PAX East to have first-hand experience with Final Fantasy XV by next month.
The much loved series spin-off in Japan, "Final Fantasy Type-0" would be relaunched worldwide in HD format. The game features teen fighting an evil empire in the mythical "Final Fantasy" universe.
Final Fantasy 15 episode Duscae demo will be playable on PS4 and Xbox one from the time of Type-0 HD arrival this March.
"Final Fantasy XV" would soon hit the racks in a demo with "Final Fantasy Type-0." The game would feature real-environment across the globe.
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