Tags: Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones Season 5 Plot Spoilers: Pregnant Lena Headey teases dark times ahead of Cersei Lannister; Is she leaving the show soon?

Lena Headey interviewed about her character in HBO's Game of Thrones Cersei Lannister. Headey says Cersei is a 'wayward teen'. Cersei will do the walk of shame. Headey is pregnant.

George RR Martin to Release A New Chapter of ‘The Winds of Winter’ at the 2015 ConQuest?

George RR Martin announced that he will be reading a chapter from his sixth book, "The Winds of Winter" during the Conquest 46 event in Kansas, Missouri. Martin did not clarify whether or not he will be reading a previously released chapter from the book including the chapter about Sansa titled, "Alayne" or if he will be reading an entirely new chapter from the book.

Game of Thrones” Season 5 Episode 7, Episode 8, Recap, Spoilers: Jon to face death in the hands of the wildings? Daario makes his move to win Daenerys one last time

Winter is coming and Jon took the plunge by deciding to merge his Crows with the Wildings. Is he really safe in the arms of his enemies? Daario professes his love to Daenerys but fails in convincing her to stop marrying Hizdhar. His moves in Episode 8 are something worth looking forward to.

“Game of Thrones" Season 5 Episode 7 Recap, Spoilers: Sansa’s Black Wedding aftermath; Jorah and Tyrion fights to the death in Mereen?

With the latest episode of Game of Thrones having been released, fans are treated to twists and turns which brings our heroes and villains even closer together. Find out what Sansa does after her wedding night, how Jamie and Bronn fare in Dorne, and if Jorah finds his way back to Daenerys in Mereen.

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"Outlander" recently aired the episode titled, "Wentworth Prison," which showed one of the most painful scenes on television. HBO simultaneously aired an episode titled, "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken" on "Game of Thrones," which showed Sansa Stark being subjected to rape by her husband, Ramsay Bolton. While both shows depicted sexual violence on TV, the latter received a lot of backlash from viewers due to the fact that the HBO series never showed its characters being victimized.
"Game of Thrones" author George R.R. Martin recently weighed in on the controversial Sansa twist on Sunday night's episode of the hit HBO series.
Sons of Winter is the fourth chapter of Game of Thrones, developed and published by Telltale Games, is getting released either this week or the next. Sons of Winter will be focusing on the main characters both on Westeros and Essos.
Game of Thrones is causing a stir yet again with its Black Wedding, but George R.R. Martin and Sophie Turner are coming to its defense.
As George RR Martin is still down to wrapping up "The Winds of Winter," book fans may try several pieces written by other authors, which are just as engaging as Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire." Martin promised that "Winds of Winter" will be released before "Game of Thrones" season 6 airs on HBO.
Game of Thrones Season 5 got off on a strong footing. Avid viewers of the hit tv show are up for more exciting episodes, as character arcs go through some major twists & turns. Who will assume leadership and who will meet untimely deaths that deviate from George R. R. Martin's books ?
Book fans have long been waiting for George RR Martin to release the sixth book, "The Winds of Winter" in the book series, "A Song of Ice and Fire." While Martin predicts that he will finish the book before "Game of Thrones" season six premieres on television, an outlet has creatively taken inspiration from several key authors of this generation to create an entirely new "Winds of Winter" storyline.
"Game of Thrones" continues to veer away from George RR Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire." While the series creators think that such changes are needed in order to make the story fit better with the TV series, fans, including Martin's editor, Jane Johnson think that the show has "gone completely rogue."
Game of Thrones lead star Kit Harrington has confirmed the return of the White Walkers this season but will not say when exactly. The walking undead were last seen in the previous season snatching Craster's baby from the Haunted Forest and turning him into a White Walker.
Maisie Williams of "Game of Thrones" started filming for her cameo in the hit series "Doctor Who." Her look and her character has been kept a secret but photos of her portraying a masked bandit look made rounds online.
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