Tags: Iron Man

‘Captain America: Civil War’ Update: Reveals Who is Teamed Up With Who; ‘Ant Man’ to Possibly Feature

Captain America: Civil War mght have Ant Man. It reveals who sided with whom. The major plot of the movie was already known all over the internet. Fans know that the Avengers will be divided but now, we get to know who sided with whom.

‘Captain America: Civil War’: Chadwick Boseman reveals how Black Panther costume feels like; His character is serious yet fallible hero

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Chadwick Boseman shared his thoughts about Black Panther's costume. The actor also revealed how Black Panther behaves in the film.

'Captain America: Civil War' Update: Robert Downey Jr excited for Black Panther, Falcon's participation; Spider-Man, Hulk's appearance not a great idea?

Following the release of the first "Captain America: Civil War" movie trailer, Spider-Man's appearance has been denied. Further details about the upcoming film was revealed by Robert Downey Jr.

More Characters Revealed in ‘Lego Marvel’s The Avengers’

More characters have been revealed in Lego Marvel’s The Avengers game, summing up to over 250 characters to be expected in the final game.

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Iron Man star Robert Downey Jr. tweets as Iron Man on Labor Day weekend. The rumored Iron Man 4 is said to be delayed due to the world's highest paid actor's steep dues.
Iron Man gifted a new suit for Spider-Man which he will wear in civil war. Tom Holland is seen shooting with most of the "Captain America: Civil War" cast and crew.
The development of "Captain America: Civil War" is making a big noise to the fans of the cinematic world. But what makes it more exciting is the engagement of Spiderman in the civil war.
Robert Downey Jr. still garnered the top spot for being the highest paid actor. He will most likely be so for another few years or so if he chooses to continue wearing the iron suite in upcoming sequel “Iron Man 4.” Director Shane Black Confirms RDJ still to be Tony Stark.
In the coming Marvel Cinematic Universe phase 3 'Iron Man 4' is not included, and there are no confirmations from either Robert Downey Jr. or Marvel executives. But let's not worry, maybe it's scheduled already but not just until 2019.
Marvel fans will still be able to watch Tony Stark in the big screen, but as to the question of whether or not there will be Iron Man 4 or not, the answer remains to be unclear. According to reports, actor Robert Downey Jr. has been sitting on interviews, but still has not said anything about a possible Iron Man 4.
A batch of information about next summer's "Captain America" movie details several costume changes and plot points,
Marvel Studios is set to finish the production of "Avengers: Infinity War" first before it starts to focus on the long-awaited "Iron Man 4". The film is reportedly pushed back due to to lead actor Robert Downey Jr.'s demand for higher pay.
Maybe the Marvel Cinematic Universe is so busy making films that 'Iron Man 4' has no slot in their docket. There still has no confirmation if the said film will come to theaters soon, but actor Robert Downey Jr. has nothing to lose as he will appear in some upcoming Marvel movies.
In an interview, Robert Downey Jr. confirms about the future of the Iron Man franchise. There's a rumor that Downey will not be Tony Stark anymore. Harley Keener, the next Iron Man?
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