Tags: Lg
Android 5.2 Bug Issues Expected on Nexus 6, Nexus 5: Increased battery performance, memory management
Nexus 5 and Nexus 6 has been spotted to run on Android 5.2 as benchmarkers. However, the update is expected to solve bug issues especially in terms of battery draining and memory management.
Zenfone 2 vs. LG G4 Review: Which is The Better Smart Phone in Terms of Display, Memory?
Asus flagship smart phone will be released this year in time with the release of the LG G4. Which of the following smart phones will stand out this year? Here is a specs review between the two.
Google Nexus 5 Already Dead, Why Did Google Stop Selling in Stores Starting Today?
Google has stopped selling Nexus 5 smartphone starting today in its online store. According to Google's spokesperson, the tech titan is giving Nexus 6 the focus at this time. However, Nexus 5 might also be available through retail and carrier partners.
2015 Nexus Flagship Phone Release comes First Before Google Wireless Service?
Google confirms launching of wireless service exclusively for Nexus 6. Questions like "What good is cell service that doesn't operate on a large scale?" are left hanging in the wake of the announcement.