Tags: Mac OS

Apple OS X El Capitan Launches on September 30; Improves Mac Experience

Today, Apple OS X El Capitan will be launched as a free update in Mac App Store. It brings new features as well as system performance improvements.

'Deus Ex: Mankind Divided' announcement trailer revealed in game's YouTube Channel; Adam Jensen to return in game's sequel

Square Enix revealed that an upcoming "Deus Ex" game would be released soon and would bring back Adam Jensen in the game's sequel.

'Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls' patch 2.2.0 goes live; PS4, Xbox One, PC gamers to encounter three new 'treasure goblins' and use 'vacuum' pick-up

Blizzard Entertainment had recently released "Diablo III: Reaper of Souls" patch 2.2.0 that would introduce three new "treasure goblins" as well as use "vacuum" pick-up in getting gems and crafting items.

‘The Sim 4’ latest patch allows building of basements; ‘Get to Work’ official trailer uploaded a few days before expansion pack release

“The Sims 4” gamers would soon be building down below their houses as the new game patch would allow them to build basements and swimming pools in their basements.

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Xbox One and Xbox 360 gamers would surely be extremely occupied with two major titles on their plate starting Friday, March 20th, with the release of "Borderlands: The Handsome Collection" and the exclusive streaming of "Dead Rising: Watchtower."
“The Sims 4” gamers have been very busy with the latest life simulation game as they already spanned 12,000 Sim years in the title. Add to that, “Get to Work” expansion pack would bring exiting careers to gamers upon launch.
BlackBerry Ltd's launch of its square-screened Passport device may have grabbed headlines this week, but it was the tech company's lower-profile roll out of the new Blend feature that appears to be garnering the plaudits.
Tech giant Apple has cleared the App Store of all Bitcoin mobile wallet apps by pulling Blockchain from the store on Wednesday without a clear explanation for the move, but retained other non-wallet Bitcoin apps in the said store.