Tags: Oscar Pistorius Murder Case

Oscar Pistorius Clan faces Eviction Controversy amidst Steenkamp Killer's Threats Behind Bars

What is the latest about Oscar Pistorius condition in jail? More controversies haunt their family. Read more from here.

Oscar Pistorius Latest Sentencing Update: Athlete eats canned goods? Avoids threats from other inmates

Oscar Pistorius is losing weight from eating too much tinned food. He is trying to avoid cafeteria food because of threats.

Oscar Pistorius Latest Trial Update: Paralympian Murderer Granted With New Privileges as a Category A Prisoner

The convicted Paralympian killer Oscar Pistorius is now granted with several privileges and perks after his prisoner status has been lowered from B group to Category A.

Oscar Pistorius Trial Update: Honorary degree revoked by Scottish University; What happens next for Carl Pistorius after charges?

The Strathclyde University, a Scottish university who awarded Oscar Pistorius an honorary degree in 2012, revoked his award due to his criminal charges involved for killing his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp.

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Oscar Pistorius brother, Carl Pistorius, is facing charges on reckless and negligent driving. Will he also serve in jail like Oscar?
Oscar Pistorius will be staying behind bars for 15 years after Judge Thokozile Matilde Masipa convicted him for culpable homicide. The Paralympian is set to begin his life sentencing on Monday, October 13.
Oscar Pistorius, South Africa's most wanted criminal in the eyes of justice for Reeva Steenkamp's death, is on his dark hours as the final judgment would be held anytime soon on Thursday or Friday at the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria, South Africa.
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