Tags: Oscar pistorius sentencing

Did Oscar Pistorius serve the right amount of time for killing his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp?

Oscar Pistorius killed his girlfriend on Valentine's Day 2013 where he was sentenced for five years in prison, but is set to be released for jail this August after serving eleven months only. Many were outraged upon hearing this, thus taking their disgust to social media.

Oscar Pistorius Latest Updates: Judge Masipa turns down defense request; Athlete faces murder charges in the coming months

Learn more updates about Oscar Pistorius. The amputee-athlete will face murder charges for killing Reeva Steenkamp.

Oscar Pistorius Latest Updates: Likely to face murder charges anytime soon? Justice for Steenkamp is within reach

Oscar Pistorius is going to face murder charges for killing his ex-girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp. How is he doing behind bars after this news?

Oscar Pistorius Latest Update: Reeva Steenkamp’s killer might face murder charges; Case will now be under the higher court

Oscar Pistorius will have to face murder charges for killing his ex-girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp. What are the updates on this case?

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Oscar Pistorius is living an active lifestyle behind the bars. What is he doing to keep fit? Is he violating prison rules? Find out more.
What is the latest about Oscar Pistorius condition in jail? More controversies haunt their family. Read more from here.
Oscar Pistorius is enjoying perks inside the jail. He can now hug and kiss his visitors. Apart from that, he has an increased allowance that will allow him to buy decent toiletries.
Another Pistorius is making news. The older brother of Oscar will face charges. Carl Pistorius was charged with reckless driving for an accident that almost killed him.
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