Tags: Rock Band 4 release date

Rock Band 4 FULL Track Roster Officially Revealed Prior to Oct 6 Release; 1st Massive Feature UPDATE Adds 'Surprise' New Mode

Rock Band 4 is only a few sleeps away from its official October 6 debut and game developer Harmonix has begun to tease the fans on what the new game will have to offer post launching. The full list of tracks to be featured including the 12 free songs that come with pre-order have also been revealed.

Rock Band 4 Update: Harmonix shows new line-up of songs, Guitar Solo feature demo videos are up

Harmonix has added more amp-explosive rock songs to the recent contents of Rock Band 4. As the recently updated patch of the game allows personalized guitar solos, fans are to test their skills against some whole new tracks.

Rock Band 4 Update: Harmonix announces pre-order bonuses; New guitar module developed for players to have own guitar solos

The widespread fame of Rock Band has reached great heights. With Rock Band 4 almost out for the world to cherish, fans need to know a few good additions to the new game system.

‘Rock Band 4’ Release Date Update; New set list includes Judas Priest, Aerosmith, Ozzy Osbourne, The Cure and more bonus upon pre-orders

Rock Band 4 will officially launch this October 6, and will be featuring new music from artists like Judas Priest, Aerosmith, Ozzy Osbourne, and The Cure, among many more. The game is now live for pre-order and will unlock bonus songs that can be added to the collection. Content from previous Rock Band installments can also be played on the new Rock Band 4.

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Set to release this October, Rock Band 4 will be in 1080/60fps frame rate, as reported by the UK industry magazine. According to the said report, the game will be more realistic in terms of its visual appearance as Harmonix told earlier that they will be hitting the next-generation consoles for the upcoming game.
Though Harmonix's 'Rock Band 4' is highly-anticipated by avid fans, still, there are uncertainties whether the upcoming game can be compatible with the previous platforms. Game developer also released their limited edition for Penny Arcade guitar yesterday.