Tags: Scandal Spoilers

'Scandal' Season 5 Lead Star Kerry Washington Teases Fitz-Olivia Official Relationship; What to Expect in Ep. 8

Kerry Washington talked about her character's official relationship with the man who was once her secret lover. Moreover, 'Scandal' Season 5 Episode 8 official synopsis has been posted as well as the episode 7 recap.

'Scandal' Season 5 Recap, Spoiler: Abby and Olivia’s friendship renewed; A familiar face to join OPA

The third hour of Scandal season 5 titled “Paris is Burning” highlighted the friendship of Abby and Olivia, offering viewers the depth they are willing to go to resolve their differences. Meanwhile, the ABC series is adding a familiar face next week.

'Scandal' Season 5: Shonda Rhimes Threw ‘Olitz’ Shippers A Major Curveball In the Premiere; What’s Next?

ABC’s hot political series returned last Thursday, opening another who-did-what mystery behind Olivia and Fitz’ secret romance inside the White House. The next episode will find the fan favorite couple spending some time apart on the heels of the expose, while the President will stop at nothing to find out who the culprit is.

'Scandal' Season 5 Spoiler: Liv and Fitz are back together; How long will it last?

As the hot political drama continues to reinvent itself, the on-and-off relationship of Liv and Fitz has been the ongoing storyline over the past four years. Now that the writers allowed the duo to hop back in each other's arms, the question remains if it will span in the long run.

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Things to expect from Portia’s Lizzie Bear as Chief of Staff. Elizabeth North’s payback time in ‘Scandal’ Season 5.
"Scandal" is nearing its season finale and fans may find a familiar face taking one of the vacant positions left by Harrison's death and Abby's promotion as the new White House press secretary. "Scandal" fans will also find Mellie revisiting Jerry's death, as she finds desperate measures to ensure her spot at the Senate.
‘Scandal’ Season 4 spoilers revealed that Olivia's team is in preparation for ultimate B613 battle in Episode 21. Season 5 might welcome new gladiator.
‘Scandal’ Season 4 Spoilers revealed that Olivia could lose Fitz in Episode 19. Meanwhile, Tony Goldwin hopes President to reconnect with Pope soon.
The upcoming episodes of Scandal season 4 bring huge problems for two characters. Mellie Grant's run for political office could be sabotaged and Olivia Pope might have to take down her love interest, Fitz Grant, in order to take down her father.
After months of waiting, "Scandal's" ready to tell us where Olivia Pope disappeared to.
The synopsis for the next episode of "Scandal" offers some juicy clues about what lies in the episode.