Tags: Street Fighter 5 characters

Street Fighter 5 PS4 2.3GB Patch Now Live, Includes Gouken, Ken, and Ryu in Story Mode Tutorial Video

A video tutorial of Street Fighter 5 which is a part of the 2.3 gigabyte update of the beta for PS4 users has gone online and it is presented with a story mode that features Gouken along with Ken and Ryu.

Street Fighter 5 Confirmed to Feature a Far More Unique Story Content ; New Characters for 2nd Beta on Oct 22 Announced

Capcom's fighting video game Street Fighter 5 launching next year will feature a unique story content that is far different from its predecessors. Meanwhile, the new characters for the 2nd beta happening on October 22 have been announced.

Street Fighter 5 New Brazilian Fighter LEAKED Prior to NYCC Big Reveal; Playable Demo Confirmed by Capcom

Via an official press release, Capcom has announced that the public might be seeing a new build of Street Fighter 5 including the prematurely leaked character Laura.

Street Fighter 5 Updates: More deadly Karin, NEW fighter Rashid confirmed to join roster; Capcom 2nd beta test set early October

Capcom has recently introduced an all-new fighter Rashid and a returning brawler Karin for Street Fighter 5 making him the 12th character confirmed in the growing roster of fighters so far.

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Street Fighter 5 welcomes two new characters to the roster and Birdie and Cammy were announced in Sony's E3 press conference. The former is a surprise for fans, and at the same time, is equipped with peculiar V-Skills which will leave players more addicted than ever.
Fans of Street Fighter 5 will be delighted to hear the latest news that Capcom has released a new trailer of M. Bison, showing the villainous boss unleashing his Psycho Power on Charlie Nash. Fans may notice some changes in the appearance of M. Bison in the video, where he has now sporting a grey hair. His usual flowing cape is gone and now he is wearing a slick new trench coat.
Capcom's Street Fighter 5 is something nobody is expecting.With a tentative spring 2016 release exclusively on PS4 and PC platform, such a statement adds more anticipation to the arrival of the successor to the successful Street Fighter IV game.
Street Fighter 5's frachise producer Yoshinori Ono assures longing fans that the game is worth the wait. Overwhelmed with a huge fan base, Ono admitted that the game is "comfortably the most straightforward" in his career.
A mysterious Charlie Nash will return in the “Street Fighter 5” along with new characters. Capcom and Sony have not yet released an official release date for the game but new characters will be introduced in this year's Niconico Chokaigi, E3, and Evo conventions.
Since Tokaige Game Party Japan exhibitions, one of Japan's top five most admired fighting gods, Haitani didn't appear to any game tournaments. He even didn't have to make bids for $500,000 prize pool for the upcoming Capcom Pro Tour in 2015. However, fans are hoping that he would soon appear for the upcoming game or at least in Ultra Street Fighter 4.