Tags: The Division

Tom Clancy's The Division Update: Dev Releases Trailer Featuring Players’ Impressions of the Game

Game developer shared a mini movie featuring the impressions of the early players on Tom Clancy's The Division.

Tom Clancy’s ‘The Division’ Updates: Developers Responds to Graphic Issues, Assures No Further Delays

Graphic issues and rants regarding delays on Tom Clancy’s The Division raised by fans have prompted game developer Ubisoft to address their concerns.

Tom Clancy’s The Division Set For Release Next Year After Long Delay, Mobile Companion App Cancelled

Tom Clancy’s The Division will finally be set for release this 2016 but the mobile app was cancelled because it would negatively affect the players’ experience.

Tom Clancy's The Division Exclusive Beta to Xbox One Slated in December; Dark Zone Multi-Player Demo Unveiled at E3 [Watch Video]

It looks like Ubisoft has gotten enough feedback from fans of Tom Clancy's The Division that an exclusive beta is coming to Xbox One before this year ends. The game's official release date is also now revelead which will be on March 8 next year.

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The Division's release date has been pushed to January to March 2016. Ubisoft says it is to make sure they provide the best quality of the game to the gamers.
Ubisoft's E3 Conference schedule is now released. No actual games are known to be featured but games expected to be released this year should take center stage like Rainbow Six: Siege, to be released on the October 13, 2015, and Asssasin's Creed Syndicate, to be released on October 23, 2015.
Tom Clancy's The Division and Rainbow Six: Siege are set to release this year. The Division has been revealed with Dark Zones loots, The Cleaners faction, and Alpha codes, while Seige has new operator system. More details here.
It seemed that Tom Clancy's The Division will likely be released earlier than expected. The game was confirmed to release by October this year in PS4, Xbox One and PC platforms with single player and multiplayer modes.
Tom Clancy's 'The Division' rumored to conduct its beta testing this year as Ubisoft releases its video footage from the gameplay. Screenshots were also posted online.
'The Division' game is already available through Amazon's pre-orders by December 31, although the game developers didn't announce clear fixed date for the game's release as of the moment. Rumors said that given date is just a filler for game's launching.
Ensuring the quality in the overall experience was priority one for the developers of the Tom Clancy novel turned third party shooting game, "The Division."
Game developer, Ubisoft Canada, reassures the fans via its official Facebook page that Tom Clancy’s The Division release date in 20152015 is green-lighted alongside Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege release date this year.
"Tom Clancy's The Division," the new MMO third-person shooter, will release next year- along with a new feature that allows a second player to pilot a drone in-game.