Tags: Transformers: Age of Extinction

'Transformers 5' Update, Spoilers: Will there be A 'G.I. Joe" crossover? Optimus Prime rumored to die with 'Walking Dead,' 'Daredevil' writers on board

The fifth instalment of the billion-dollar franchise promises to bring more action with the return of its original director Michael Bay and the addition of writers from "The Walking Dead" and "Daredevil." Rumors are saying that fans might have to say farewell to a known hero and say hello to new ones.

'Transformers 5' Updates: Bumblebee's first stand alone film expected? Film gets green light

Paramount Pictures made sure that it got its very powerful team of writers, from the lead Akiva Goldsman he will be joined by the creator of The Walking Dead Robert Kirkman and more. Also, Bumblebee is said to have its own film according to Brian Goldner, CEO of Hasbro.

Transformers 5 will be directed by Michael Bay after his rumored return in the team

There are news spreading online that Michael Bay has made a come back for the film 'Transformers 5'. It seems he will be directing the film once again and audience is about to witness another great movie in theaters world wide.

‘Transformers 5’ Update: Two New Writers Hired by Paramount; Shia Labeouf, Megan Fox to Return in the Fifth Installment?

Paramount Pictures has added two new writers to help pen the script of the ‘Transformers 5’ and its spin-offs. Meanwhile, Shia Labeouf and Megan Fox have been rumored to reprise their roles in the upcoming sequel. Get the complete details here.

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Just how much money could 'Transformers 5' make? Transformers 5 is undoubtedly going to make boatloads of cash- every film in the Transformers franchise has done the same, and it seems unlikely that audiences would tire of Optimus Prime's giant-robot-sized adventures at film number five if they didn't get tired after two, three or four.
The "Transformers" series gets a lot of flak, but that might change with the latest film. The "Transformers" series of films has a pretty awful reputation.
The Dinobots may have a future beyond "Transfomers: Age of Extinction." Do we know any official spoilers for "Transformers 5," the follow-up to last year's "Transformers: Age of Extinction?" Probably not.
Behold, the most insane action movie of our time: "Transformers 5" and "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2," together.
One will always prefer fantasy over reality, thrill over boredom, and happy endings over bitterness. And the top five box office movies of 2014 prove this human nature’s desire of anything fantastical, to have a temporary escape from the uninteresting cycle of reality.
While Michael Bay has already been confirmed to leave the "Transformers" franchise, Mark Wahlberg may as well - and the series' struggling box-office may play a part.
Michael Bay has decided to leave the "Transformers" franchise and pass the fifth film to a new director, but conflicting reports question if the film will actually make it into production.
A new report claims the title of the next "Transformers" film may be "Galvatron Rising." As well, concept art of a female villain has just been released on Facebook.
A piece about Optimus Prime's death in 'Transformers 5' had fans in an uproar... until it was revealed to be a hoax.