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‘Disgaea: Hour of Darkness’ to Launch on PC via Steam
The popular role playing game by Nippon Ichi receives update which shall now be available on PC via Steam.
The Bastard Executioner Officially Cancelled After One Season; Kurt Sutter Working on FX's Sons of Anarchy Spin-Off
The Bastard Executioner Season 1 finale ended with Dan Brown's-ish church conspiracy in Annora's hands while Kurt Sutter confrims cancellation of the show after one season via Twitter.
‘Deadpool’ Video Game to Hit PS4 and Xbox One Platforms
The two-year old video game, Deadpool, which debuted for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC is now available for Xbox One and soon to hit PS4 consoles.
‘Dragon Quest Heroes’ Leaked to Launch on PC
A leaked ad via Steam has surfaced which hinted the impending launch of Dragon Quest Heroes to PC. Prior to announcement, the gaming community had already hinted the PC launch of Square Enix' Dragon Quest Heroes from a leaked ad in Steam.