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‘Dragon Quest Heroes’ Leaked to Launch on PC
A leaked ad via Steam has surfaced which hinted the impending launch of Dragon Quest Heroes to PC. Prior to announcement, the gaming community had already hinted the PC launch of Square Enix' Dragon Quest Heroes from a leaked ad in Steam.
'Orange Is The New Black' (OITNB) Season 4 Premieres June 2016; Ruby Rose, Natasha Lyonne Axed from the Show?
Cast members Ruby Rose (Stella Carlin) and Natasha Lyonne (Nicky Nichols) don't know if their characters will still be a part of 'Orange Is The New Black' Season 4. Meanwhile, Uzo Aduba recently signed up for UTA.
“Real Housewives of Atlanta' Season 8 Updates: Nene Leakes' awkward 'The View' interview, Kenya Moore's thoughts on co-stars at New York Live
“RHOA” stars Nene Leaks and Kenya Moore appeared on two separate talk shows and had their own moments as Leakes went through an interview that became a little too personal and Moore ruthlessly talking about the other housewives in the show.
Google Drive App for iOS and Android New Updates Include File Previews, Notifications Sharing, and More
Some improvements with Google Drive app for iOS and Android Updates has already been released by Google. File Previews, Notifications Sharing are part of the included features in this new update.