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'Suits' Season 5 News: Cast shares BTS photos; Zombified character portraits of Harvey and co. released by USA Network
As fans wait for the new bunch of episodes of Suits, the cast has shared snippets of what’s been going on behind the camera while filming the remainder of season five. Meanwhile, the USA Network offered fans a Halloween treat by releasing a gallery featuring zombified versions of Harvey, Mike and the rest of the gang.
Microsoft’s Sweet Deals: Xbox One Kinect Bundle with Full Game Downloads for $399; 1TB With 'NBA 2K16,' 'FIFA 16' And 'Forza Horizon 2' Bundle for $453
For limited time, Microsoft offers a major slash from Xbox One and Kinect for Xbox with full game downloads and Xbox One 1TB packed with 'NBA 2K16,' 'FIFA 16' And 'Forza Horizon 2' for $453.
Heroes Reborn Episode 8 Spoilers: Noah's Great Surprise; Another Original Cast Members Return
There have been more questions than answers when the sixth episode of Heroes Reborn ended last week. To solve the mysteries of the present, Noah Bennet and Hiro Nakamura returned to the day when it all ended.
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 on Sprint Bound for Android 6.0 Marshmallow Testing
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 on Sprint is bound to test Android 6.0 Marshmallow this year as official release had been slated early in 2016. The upgrade will bring in new key features and improvements in overall system performance.