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Justin Bieber calls on Kevin Hart, Jaden Smith, Steven Tyler to promote “What Do You Mean”; Singer cries after VMA comeback performance

Before Justin Bieber performed at the 2015 MTV VMAs, the singer called out his pals Kevin Hart, Jaden Smith, Steven Tyler and MTV Star Todrick Hall to promote his new single. On the other hand, when Beiber performed "Where Are You Now" and "What Do You Mean" on stage, he got so emotional, he broke in tears.

Pretty Little Liars Season 6 spoilers: Killer of Jessica DiLaurentis revealed; Ezra's life will fall into despair and starvation

A lot of huge revelations are in store in Pretty Little Liars Season 6, The Rosewood girls will face a new villain. The killer behind Jessica DiLaurentis death is finally exposed, Ezra Fitz's college life will fall into despair and starvation.

True Detective Season 3 Still Happening? HBO Drama Receives Criticism from Director Quentin Tarantino

The show is being bashed despite of the high ratings of True Detective. Quentin Tarantino, an iconic director that is good at creating dialogues bashes the show True Detective. He states that the pilot shows sucks, the first season is totally boring and season 2 is just as awful.

Avril Lavigne responds to Taylor Swift's meet and greet comparison; Calvin Harris confirms the intervention tweet is a hoax

Avril Lavigne responds to the meet and greet comparison Tumblr post that Taylor Swift liked. Suddenly, Taylor's current boyfriend Calvin Harris, intervenes into the feisty feud. However, the tweet is said to be fake.

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After Tom Brady's Deflategate scandal, reports mentioned that the quarterback player and his wife, Gisele Bundchen were experiencing tensions in their married life. Speculations also claimed that the couple are planning to file divorce anytime soon.
Emma Swan’s own son, Henry, could be the solution to “Once Upon A Time” season 5’s biggest issue. As Emma became the Dark One last season, Henry became the new Author, making him capable to rewrite her mother’s fate and rescue her from the darkness when the series returns to ABC this September 27.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is now ready to take the stealth game genre to another level. Konami is banking on it as the "Game of the Year - Guaranteed."
A lot has been going on with the singer lately; from showing off her awesome body to flaunting on social media her relationship with Lil Wayne. She also performed at Billboard's Hot 100 Festival.
Singer MIley Cyrus walks into the red carpet of the 2015 MTV VMA. Miley as the host of this year's event wore an extemely daring outfit.
First LawBreakers gameplay video was presented during PAX Prime on August 28. The trailer highlights some of the game's playable characters - clad with jetpacks, grappling hooks, guns, and so much more.
"Mad Max: Fury Road" director George Miller is reportedly set to do the directorial duties for "Man of Steel 2". But the film may be on 'permamnent hold' due to "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice". The superheroes' face-off is scheduled to debut on March 2016.
Sony unintentionally shuts down Until Dawn Twitch archives for now. The publisher was both apologetic and humbled by the community's reception of the game.
Franchise director Guillermo del Toro says he wants Gareth Edwards' Gozilla to make an appearance in "Pacific Rim 3". "Pacific Rim: Maelstorm" is scheduled to debut in theaters on August 4, 2017.
The couple have been spotted lip-locking in the streets of New York. Putting an end to speculations of them breaking up.
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