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'Fifty Shades Darker' Update: Charlize Theron Joins Cast As Mrs. Robinson; Production To Begin On January 2016?
Charlize Theronof "Mad Max: Fury Road" is rumored to play the role of Mrs Robinson in the upcoming sequel "Fifty Shades Darker". With a target premiere of February 2017, the film's production date is rumored to commence on New Year.
'Pokémon XY Movie: Hoopa & the Clash of Ages' Update: New Pokemon Revealed in Closing Credits sees connection for second XY film
The new promo images for "Pokémon XY Movie: Hoopa & the Clash of Ages" reveals a new Pokemon which will be introduced in the post-credit scene of the film. The third "Pokemon XY" movie will reportedly open in summer 2016.
Resident Evil 7 News: Alice likely to return in Raccoon City with 2 new female protagonists this FALL; Director Koji Oda returns for RE 0- HD Remaster release
Resident Evil 7 has a lot to prove to gamers once it releases in the fall season considering how the sixth game did not yield impressively. Details on the release date and the characters have also been leaked to give fans an idea on what to expect. Another title in the franchise, which is the Zero HD Remaster also gets some shared footage from Capcom as well as a report on hands-on experience from the demo booth during the E3.
FIFA 16 release date set September 22: EA Sports kicks in with the latest Football game to date with a whole new league
EA Sports makes it a point that they are remembered GREATLY when it comes to sports games and the like. And what better way to make sure than with FIFA 16?