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WWE 2K16 Latest News: Addition of 2 seasoned wrestlers Jim Neidhart and Boogeyman confirmed? PC version coming?

Shortly after Eva Marie has confirmed via social media about her participatoin in WWE 2K16, two surprising seasoned wrestlers who are reportedly inactive are claimed to be seen in this next title to the series.

Elizabeth Olsen never dated Tom Hiddleston, it's actually Chris Evans

Elizabeth Olsen did not date Tom Hiddleston because according to reports it was all a made-up story to confuse people that it was Chris Evans she's dating for real. Meanwhile, Olsen suffered from wardrobe malfunction in Paris.

'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' Update: Actor Jesse Eisenberg Says "Genocide" Comment At SDCC Was Only A "Hyperbole"

"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" actor Jesse Eisenberg clears up his genocide comment at the SDCC, saying it's a hyperbole. The upcoming superhero movie is slated to be released March next year.

Angry Birds 2 Update: Features Bigger, Badder, Birdier Avian Projectiles; Set For A July 30 Release

Game developer Rovio announces details about the upcoming release of Angry Birds 2, a sequel to the hit Angry Birds. The game is set to be released on July 30.

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Batman: Arkham Knight released the new Batgirl DLC this week for PS4 and Xbox One systems. Unfortunately, those that purchased the game for PC will not be able to download the new content in light of system issues. Batman: Arkham Knight developer Rocksteady Studios and Warner Bros are currently working to resolve said issues. On the upside, a list revealing the upcoming DLC content has surfaced.
George R.R Martin has reportedly set a meeting with editors, publishers and agents in preparation for the release of his upcoming novel "Winds of Winter". The next installment of "A Song of Ice and Fire" is speculated to be released next year, before the sixth season of "Game of Thrones" premieres in April.
Andy Muschietti, who directed the popular 2013 film Mama, is reportedly in talks to direct New Line Cinema's adaptation of "It". Will Poulter who was attached to play the role of Pennywise may no longer star in the upcoming movie based on Stephen King's classic.
The Fox series Wayward Pines is nearing its season finale after episode 9 entitled ‘A Reckoning’ aired last July 16. In the latest episode, Ethan fakes a reckoning on Kate while Pilcher turns off the town’s electricity, therefore shutting down the electric fences.
Star Wars Commander has just launched a new update with a new chapter in Worlds of Conflict. Players now get a chance to battle throughout the galaxy with the ability to uproot and relocate the whole base in any of four additional worlds.
The trailer is out for the upcoming movie “Joy” starring Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper and Robert de Niro. The movie is being pushed for the Oscar awards.
Being a totally different type of superhero from somewhere entirely new and having a notable portrayer who will likely give justice to the character, definitely gives Marvel's "Black Panther" a great chance to be an incredible movie. The live-action flick is scheduled to hit the big screen July 6, 2018.
Noel Gallagher's "Cahsing Yesterday" album topped the Official Chart Company in vinyl sales. Meanwhile, his daughter Anais is currently dating Stereo Kick's singer Reece Bibby.
A rapper has released a song about Jodi Arias in the hopes or raising funds for her appeal. Arias enjoys spotlight even behind bars.
Season 2 of the AMC TV series, ‘Better Call Saul’, has begun production after the success of its first table read. AMC has not yet released an official air date for the new season, but viewers can expect the series to premiere early 2016.
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