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'Supernatural' Season 11 Update: Spoilers To Be Revealed During San Diego Comic-Con including comeback of John Winchester As God

'Supernatural' Season 11 will reportedly see John Winchester back as God. Also, more spoilers will be revealed this upcoming 2015 San Diego Comic Con.

'The Big Bang Theory' Season 9 Update: Penny Is Related To Someone On The Show; Premiere Date Revealed

'The Big Bang Theory' Season 9 is about to get more interesting as it remains unknown if Penny and Leonard really got married in Las Vegas and if Sheldon and Amy will still get back together. Major spoilers have been released including Penny being related to someone on the show.

'Grey's Anatomy' Returns For Season 12 Despite Exit Of Major Characters, Will Callie And Arizona Get Back Together?

'Grey's Anatomy' will be coming back for season 12 amid reports that the show will be cancelled due to the exit of some of its main characters. Also, Callie and Arizona are expected to get back together for the new season of the show.

‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ cast sets eyes on Comic Con 2015; Big reveals and behind-the-scenes expected to be exposed

Behind the scenes of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” will be shown in the upcoming Comic Con for the first time. Several characters of the movie will also be present.

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Mourning the loss of a best friend, Dan Bilzerian later on launches a campaign for president of the United States. Using Instagram as an avenue, he posted his campaign to show his 10 million followers of his intention to occupy the Oval Office.
‘Better Call Saul’ Season 2 with surprise viewers with "all sides" of Jimmy McGill/ Saul Goodman. Writer Gordon Smith drops hints for the upcoming season.
‘Tyrant’ Season 2 Episode 4 reveals Barry’s new identity. Sammy receives $100 million payout from his father.
Dominic Cooper’s Howard Stark returns with lots of trouble in ‘Agent Carter’ Season 2. Hayley Atwell reveals new romantic interest.
A new speculation suggests that Daisy Ridley’s character, Rey, in the upcoming “Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens”, is neither a Solo nor a Skywalker. The seventh installment of the epic sci-fi series premieres on December 18.
The story of Maleficent and Lily, especially the hunt for the former’s father, will also be dealt with on “Once Upon A Time” season 5 apart from the major plot that revolves around Jennifer Morrison as the new Dark One. The hit fantasy series will return on ABC this September 27.
Images of unannouced Xiaomi flagship smartphones were leaked online. The said Xiaomi devices are expected to be out later this year.
Avril Lavigne recovers from Lyme disease after seeing a specialist and getting the right treatment. To show her fans that she is back, she posts a photo of her on her social media accounts about her performing in the Special Olympics.
The free DLC for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is moved to release next week and instead, the game is getting a hefty-sized Patch 1.07 which is set on addressing many issues and bringing major improvements, better inventory and sorting, player stashes, and a new movement system later this week.
MCU will soon open its mystical world with the upcoming movie, Doctor Stange. New casting rumors have surfaced about actress Rachel McAdams joining the cast, and taking the lead female role. Kevin Feige revealed that the upcoming film might differ from the comic books.
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