Trending News
Final Fantasy 7 remake to add new plot and battle elements to the game
The new Final Fantasy 7 remake will be adding new storyline and battle elements to the original game.
News of Final Fantasy 7 remake sends Square Enix's stocks upward
News of Final Fantasy 7 getting a remake has sent the stocks of Square Enix through the roof. Minds were blown at E3 when Square Enix first announced that the uber-popular Final Fantasy 7 was getting its own remake, and it appears as though the company is reaping more than just tons of fan adoration as their latest stock listings would indicate.
Newly introduced Halo 5 microtransactions causing unrest among fans
The new microtransactions for Halo 5 are causing players to grow uneasy over the game's direction
Metal Gear Solid V E3 gameplay demo reveals new game mechanics and features
A demo for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain shows off some of the new features players can expect when the title is finally released.